
As an entrepreneur, you are likely to spend a fair bit of time hunkered down behind your computer screen, tapping away as you work on mastering another piece of the online world to help you reach your goals.

I love the flexibility of working this way, so different from when I had to battle the morning traffic to and from my corporate role in life BC (that’s “before Cameron and Charlotte”, my two kids!).

I love how we can be connected to people all around the globe through our keyboards. I have met some of my very best Belief Buddies through the magic of Facebook Groups. I‘ve taken some fabulous e-courses from people in all corners of the globe. I’ve worked with amazing Mentors on Skype who have helped me to expand personally and professionally and I’ve helped my own lovely clients with their business growth in the US, France, New Zealand and all across Australia thanks to ZOOM.

It’s an exciting time to be a Next Chapter Entrepreneur.

But online alone just isn’t enough for me.

I absolutely need the connection, the inspiration, the “leap out of your comfort zone” experiences, the exposure to new ideas, the opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded people.

That’s why I commit to attending live events every year and in this post I’m sharing experiences and tips from my own adventures and from a number of my fellow entrepreneurs to help you make the most of the events, conferences and seminars you attend this year.

Or perhaps even to inspire you to go to some if they’re not a part of your plan yet!

I love live events! I put them in my diary and actually attend them – online it’s too easy to have something come up. Listening to recordings is good (when I can) but not as good as being there live. At a live event you are right in the energy of it, the atmosphere, part of it and part of creating it. You learn from everyone else who’s there too. I much prefer a live event to online!

Shan Withnell
Shan Therapy

The 5 biggest benefits of attending business events

1. New Ideas and approaches for your business

I believe that if I can leave an event or conference with just one or two new ideas then it was worthwhile. The reality, however, is that I rarely walk away with just one or two! When I’m listening to a speaker sharing fresh ideas my brain seems to spark into new life – I rarely have the same level of understanding or excitement whilst reading a blog post or downloading a PDF online (although I do love reading!).

New ideas aside, its important to also remember that if you hear something that doesn’t at first glance, appear to be relevant for you, try and let go of that thought. Instead of thinking “that doesn’t apply to me, ask yourself, how could that apply to me? When you listen with a beginners mind, with curiosity, you can often connect seemingly old concepts with new possibilities.

I’m also a BIG fan of using coloured texters and an sketch pad for taking notes rather than just paper and pen. There is something about the colours and circles and highlights and squiggles that help me retain what I’ve heard so much more easily. An article by Kevin Purdy @ Fast Company confirmed for me that I was onto something there. Apparently when you “Add a dash of colour … and all of a sudden the notes come alive. They are unique, they are unusual, they are memorable and they are more interesting.” That means those notes will stick in your brain more, and be far more easier to find in your notebook and review later on”.

Try it yourself at the next event you attend – I’m sure you’ll find it makes a big difference!

Live Events Tip #1: Always have an open mind and heart for fresh new ideas, or to consider old…
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2. Networking Opportunities that can really take flight

There are no better places to connect with like-minded people than at events. A whole room of people all in the same place at the same time, often with very similar goals to reach and experiences to share? Gold! I have met and stayed in touch with many people from around the world at events I’ve attended. The networking opportunities have also opened doors for new business and promotional opportunities.

In 2014 I traveled to “Be the Change” in Las Vegas, hosted by the effervescent Suzanne Evans with two of my “Belief Buddies”, Samantha Leith and Maria Davis. When I returned to Australia I was full of fresh ideas and plucked up the courage to contact Suzanne and ask if she would be open to being interviewed for my upcoming Wholehearted Success Telesummit (the first one I’d ever done). I carefully crafted an email that highlighted the fact I was one of the only three Australians in the audience of her recent event and talked about how much I’d love to introduce her to more Australians.

She said yes! And that Telesummit introduced more than 1000 new women into my community and mailing list.

By the way, if really was a fabulous interview and you can listen to it right here.

After Las Vegas we travelled to San Diego and attended “Speak and Write to Make Millions”, a Lisa Nichols Motivating the Masses event. I met Christy Whitman and Christine Kloser at Networking drinks and, yep, I followed up these lovely ladies too, both of whom have enormously successful businesses, and they also agreed to be interviewed for my Summit.

Live Events Tip #2: Always invest time and energy in networking at events and considering new…
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3. The upward spiral of investing in yourself

It’s not always easy to invest your time and the money in attending live events. I have 2 kids still at school, a husband with two businesses and my extended family are all in other countries. It can definitely be a challenge to organise everything that needs to be organised to get to a local event, let alone interstate or overseas!

But when I’ve tackled the juggle and got away, I’ve noticed that the benefits of attending a live event, conference or seminar go way beyond the actual event. I think it’s got a lot to do with investing in yourself. When you do, it means that you are valuing yourself. Recognising and honouring yourself and your goals and dreams. That boosts your self-belief. And when you believe in yourself more, you create more results in your business because you take more action. And when you take more action you get more results and that boosts your self-belief again and so you…

It’s the circle domino effect. And it’s powerful.

Let’s also be a little flat out honest here. We are often quick to invest in the things that we feel will benefit our kids. We are often quick to support the goals and business and career goals of our partners (my husband is flying to Dusseldorf in two days to attend a Boat Show). But we are often a little slower to put ourselves up the Priority Totem Pole.

Live Events Tip #3: Invest in yourself. You are the most valuable business asset you have.
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A colleague of mine, Helena Denley from WP Website Coach knows first hand the value of investing in attending live events.

What can I say – I’m a conference junkie – I’ve been attending courses and conferences for over 20 years now, but it was only in 2012 when I attended my first international conference (Marie Forleo’s RHH Live in New York) that I saw the value was hooked.

Since that first taste of overseas conferencing, I’ve now spoken at two WordCamp conferences in Chicago (2013) and Minneapolis (2014) and attended conferences in Portland Oregon (2013), Denver Colorado (2014 & 2015) and Phoenix Arizona (2013 & 2015) plus conferences in Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane.

Helena (2nd from right), with Hunter Boyle and Candice DeVille at Authority Intensive Conference

in Denver Colorado May 2015

I know many people think I’m crazy travelling so far and spending money on international flights and accommodation just to attend a 2 or 3 day conference, but I think it’s completely worthwhile.

I’m going to confess, I prefer attending overseas conferences because as an Aussie travelling to the US, my accent stands out and being a little introverted, it makes meeting people so much easier because I have an inbuilt icebreaker to the conversation (here in Australia, I’m just one of the hundreds of Aussies attending the conference and it makes standing out a little harder).

I’ve received 2 big benefits from the conferences I’ve attended:

Meeting the big players in the industry I’m in. In Australia, being so far away from the rest of the world, with an infinitely smaller population, travelling to conferences has allowed me to meet the people who create the products I use on a daily basis in my business. They are down to earth, friendly and very approachable (& perhaps I fan-girled just a little <img src="http://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/72x72/1f609.png" alt="

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