
5 Things to Look For When Choosing a Sober Living Facility

If someone is really serious about choosing a life in recovery and has already made the steps to detox off substances or attend a treatment facility, the next step is usually choosing a sober living facility for continued support in recovery. A sober living facility can also be known as a sober home or halfway house. It is important that a considerable amount of research and planning goes into the search of finding an appropriate sober living facility.

Accountability and Reputation:

Early recovery is an exciting but uncertain time in the recovering addicts life. Everything is so new, the daily schedule, peers, and just living life comfortably without substances. Sometimes it can also be overwhelming. This is why having a sober living facility that is holding the recovery addict to strict rules and regulations is key to ensure the person is staying with their recovery practice. Many houses have curfews, mandatory house meetings, urine testings, and some even require you to attend a certain amount of IOP sessions or 12-Step recovery based meetings.

It is always better to choose a sober living environment that is more strict than not. Being held accountable to the program by your peers and house managers will make your journey through early recovery that much more successful. Make sure that the house manager and other residents actually care about recovery, and are there for the added support 24/7 that is needed.

Even after taking the time to learn about the sober living home programs and meeting the management, do your own research on the facility. Spend some time online and search the name of the company to see if there are any reports that have been filed, and make sure it is not a house that has had any problems with law enforcement or the Better Business Bureau.


Your home is where you should be most comfortable, stable, and serene. This goes for your sober living facility as well. The recovery community in South Florida is so big that most of the recovery population have a variety of choices when it comes to which sober homes they would want to live in. A good thing to keep in mind is the cleanliness of the facility and location.

After cleanliness, another important aspect is number of roommates to number of rooms in the house. Most halfway houses are set up so that everyone in early recovery is assigned a room with someone else. It is rare to have one-to-one person/bedroom ratio in most living facilities. The lack of privacy is actually valuable for those in early recovery, because there is always someone who will be around to hold the recovering addict accountable for their whereabouts and actions.

There are many other added options that some of the sober living establishments offer includeing access to a neighborhood gym, pool, and other amenities. A suggestion would be to take the time, research, and visit several places before deciding on where “home” is going to be. Also, make sure that the house manager is someone who is easy to talk to, tuned in, and available. This is important because the house manager is the person who will be responsible for overseeing the recovering addict on a day-to-day basis.


It is important to stay with the same idea as the place where you are living which should be your serenity and a peaceful place. Safety should be another top concern while choosing a sober home. There is information online to see where there is heavy police activity. Those high crime areas should be avoided.

While touring sober living facilities, ask questions to current residents to see how safe they feel. Some sober homes have security systems installed and cameras for in-house safety. All these are important amenities to consider when choosing your early recovery home.

Sober Environment:

All sober homes have their differences. One thing you do not want to be different is the 12-step based ideas. In early recovery it is encouraged to gain sober support, specifically with a sponsor. These are all ideas that have been taught in the 12-step therapy programs. These type of programs will also encourage you to go to meetings and continue working on the “steps.” A very important part of staying sober comes from attending meetings. Creating sober connections make a difference in avoiding relapse in early recovery.

Take the Time to Make the Right Decision:

Always get in touch with the therapist, case managers, or other people who you have become close with and who work in the recovery industry for their opinions on the sober living houses in consideration. Those who work in the industry will know the reputation of sober living homes and will let you know if they have a positive or negative history. It is important to get the opinion of those who are trustworthy as well as going with your “gut feeling” when making this important decision. If you would like additional information on sober living facilities, we can help, call A New Start, Inc. now at 844-TALK-ANS, we have admissions counselors available 24/7.

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