As CSS3 support spreads to more and more browsers, designers are able to create better and better interfaces while still retaining good experiences for users who aren’t fully up to date. In this entertaining and illuminating full-length talk, recorded live at An Event Apart San Diego (November 1-2, 2010), Dan Cederholm explores some of the emerging features in CSS3 and shows how to use them wisely, all while telling a compelling story about some stuff we left on the moon.
Dan Cederholm is a web designer and author living in Massachusetts. He is the founder of SimpleBits, a tiny design studio, and co-founder of Dribbble, a design community. A recognized expert in the field of standards-based web design, Dan co-founded the wine community site, Cork’d and has worked with Google, MTV, ESPN, Fast Company, Blogger, Odeo and others.
Dan is the author of four best-selling books: CSS3 For Web Designers (A Book Apart), Bulletproof Web Design 3rd Edition (New Riders), Handcrafted CSS: More Bulletproof Web Design with Ethan Marcotte (New Riders), and Web Standards Solutions (Apress/Friends of ED). He runs a popular blog where he writes articles and commentary on the web, technology and life. And he plays a mean ukulele. Follow Dan on Twitter: @simplebits.