
In the 1st Part we prepared required classes for this app. In this we’ll start adding one by one screen to the app and at the end of the article we should be able to complete the application.



Styling The Action Bar

12. You might noticed that this app action bar is having customized background color. That can be done by defining a custom theme in res ⇒ values ⇒ styles.xml folder. Also this is not a complete action bar customization. I am just changing the background color of it.

If you want to customize it completely, Styling the Action Bar will helps you. Add below code in res ⇒ values ⇒ styles.xml. If you don’t find styles.xml, create a new file in values folder.

13. Now in order to apply this style, open the AndroidManifest.xml file and add the style using android:theme attribute for
tag. Also add below permissions too.

INTERNET – To consume internet
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE – To store wallpapers in SDCard
SET_WALLPAPER – To update the device wallpaper

Now if you run the app, you should see the action bar color changed.

Adding the Splash Screen

Splash screens are not necessary for every app. But for our app it make sense to have a splash screen as we have to download wallpapers categories before going into the app. In brief we make a request to Picasa to get list of public albums (in our case those are wallpapers categories) and store them in shared preferences. So let’s create the necessary files for the splash screen.

14. Create an xml file named activity_splash.xml under res ⇒ layout folder.

15. Now create a class named SplashActivity.java in the app main package and paste the below code. Here we are making a json call to Picasa and fetching list of albums. Once albums are fetched we are storing them in Shared Preferences. Later these categories will be loaded into navigation drawer.

16. Now add the SplashActivity as launcher activity in the AndroidManifest.xml inside <application>

Now if you run the app, you should see albums json logged in LogCat. If yes, we can move to the next step i.e adding navigation drawer and displaying the wallpaper categories.

Adding Navigation Drawer

Before following this step make sure that you read Android Sliding Menu using Navigation Drawer tutorial to make this step simple for you. To add navigation drawer, we need to create fewer layouts and classes.

17. Create drawer_list_item.xml under res ⇒ layout directory. This is the layout file for navigation drawer list item to display wallpaper category name.

18. Create NavDrawerItem.java in your project’s main package and paste the below code. This is a model class for navigation list item.

19. Now we need to create the custom list adapter class which provides data to navigation list view. Create a class named NavDrawerListAdapter.java under adapter package. This adapter class inflates the drawer_list_item.xml layout by displaying appropriate wallpaper category name.

20. Now we need to create a list view element in our main activity. Create an xml named activity_main.xml with the below content.

21. Open your main activity class (in my case MainActivity.java) and add the below code. Eclipse might show you errors on the lines where you see GridFragment. For now comment those lines.

22. Add the MainActivity.java activity in the AndroidManifest.xml inside <application> tag.

Now run the app and test it once. You should see the wallpaper categories displayed in navigation drawer.

Wallpapers Grid Thumbnail Preview

The next step is displaying the wallpapers of selected category in a thumbnail fashion. For this we need a GridView and few other class files.

23. Create an xml file named grid_item_photo.xml under res ⇒ layout and add the below code. This layout defines single grid item tile in the GridView. Here we are using volley’s NetworkImageView to download the image from an URL and display.

24. Create another layout file named fragment_grid.xml under res ⇒ layout folder. This layout contains actual GridView and a ProgressBar to show to loading progress while the request is in process.

25. Now just like navigation drawer adapter, we need to create another adapter class to provide data to GridView. So create a class named GridViewAdapter.java under adapter package. This class inflates grid_item_photo.xml layout with appropriate wallpaper image.

26. Create a class named GridFragment.java under the project’s main package. This is where we implement actual GridView implementation. This is main fragment class will be loaded when an item from navigation drawer selected. Briefly it works as below

> User selects a wallpaper category from navigation drawer.
> The selected category id (in other words album id) will be passed to GridFragment
> Using the category id, we make another request to Picasa to get all the photos under that category.
> Finally the photos json will be parsed and wallpaper model objects will be passed to GridViewAdpater to render the wallpapers in grid view.

Now go back to your MainActivity.java, uncomment the GridFragment related code which you commented earlier and run the project. You should able to see the wallpapers in GridView once you selected the category from navigation drawer.

Wallpaper Fullscreen View

We also providing user another option to view selected thumbnail image in fullscreen mode. So to implement this, follow below steps.

27. Create an xml file named activity_fullscreen_image.xml under res ⇒ layout folder. This file contains HorizontalScrollView element to scroll the fullscreen image horizontally. Also it contains two more buttons to provide user option to apply the image as wallpaper and download the wallpaper to galleries.

28. Create a class named FullScreenViewActivity.java under your main package. This class takes care of calculating the image aspect ratio in fullscreen mode. The image width will calculated respective to device height. Below steps will be execute in order show the fullscreen wallpaper.

> User selects the wallpaper from GridView. The selected wallpaper will be passed to fullscreen image activity.
> In fullscreen activity, we make another call to Picasa to get the selected wallpaper’s high resolution version.
> The downloaded wallpaper width will be calculated depending upon device height.
> Then the image will be displayed in ImageView. The HorizontalScrollView make the wallpaper scrollable horizontally.

29. Add the FullScreenViewActivity entry in AndroidManifest.xml file between <application> tags.

Now run the project and select any image from grid view. You should able see fullscreen image activity launched with wallpaper image preview.

Providing Set as Wallpaper Option

30. To apply the wallpaper to device, add a click listener to set as wallpaper button and call setAsWallpaper() method presented in Utils.java class

Add below line in onCreate() method of FullScreenViewActivity.java

Call below method in onClick() method of FullScreenViewActivity.java

Now if you tap the Set button, the wallpaper will be applied to device.

Downloading Wallpaper to Gallery

31. Just like set as wallpaper, to download wallpaper to device gallery directory, add the click listener to download button and call saveImageToSDCard() method presented in Utils.java

Add below line in onCreate() method of FullScreenViewActivity.java

Add another case statement in onClick() method of FullScreenViewActivity.java

Now if you tap Download Wallpaper button, the wallpaper will be downloaded to your gallery with album named Awesome Wallpapers. If you don’t see the album there, reboot your device. I couldn’t see the album created until I rebooted my device. I am yet to find the issue

With this we almost the completed the app. But lastly we need to add a Settings screen where user can configure Picasa username, number of grid columns and gallery directory name. This step is not necessary if you are planning to release this app in playstore. It is just for the developers who is reading this.

Adding Settings Screen

32. . Create a layout file named activity_settings.xml under res layout folder. This layout contains a form with few edittext fields and a save button.

33. . Create a class named SettingsActivity.java and add the below code. This code just validates the data entered by user and overwrites the respective values in Shared Preferences.

34. Finally add settings activity entry in AndroidManifest.xml

Finally your AndroidManifest.xml file should look like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:versionName="1.0" >

android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER" />

android:theme="@style/FreeWallTheme" >
android:screenOrientation="portrait" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android:name="android.intent.categ

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