
It's Friday and we're on the lookout for more games to get addicted to. Aside from our Top 5 Games of the Week (GOTW) we're posting over the weekend, try these premium games that are now on sale. Up to 40% discount is offered and we don't know until when the offer will be. Feel free to download all these Grand Theft Auto games. At present, there are several GTA titles to choose from plus the Max Payne Mobile game--all on sale.

You've probably played the games on the list but if you haven't because you don't want to spend a lot on new games, now is the chance to download these titles from Rockstar Games. The Max Payne Mobile is now $1.99 while the Grand Theft Auto games are listed at $2.99. Only the 'GTA: San Andreas' is at $3.99.

We've featured most of the games on the list below so you have an idea what the games are all about. To review, the 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' was released last year but was riddled with issues. It received a lot of reviews. The 'Grand Theft Auto V: The Manual rolled out over two years ago as a follow-up to the 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'. 'Grand Theft Auto III' and 'Max Payne Mobile' already went on sale before .

Download the following games from the Google Play Store:

• Max Payne Mobile
• GTA Liberty City Stories
• Grand Theft Auto V: The Manual
• Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
• Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
• Grand Theft Auto III
• Grand Theft Auto: iFruit

SOURCE: Rockstar Games

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