Despite the threat from the slowly-getting-more-popular-and-omnipresent Facebook Live, Twitter’s own livestream app Periscope is not giving up the fight, bringing more features and updates ahead of the competition. The newest update brings three new features to the app which may appeal to those who are looking for ways to discover new videos and also to actually watch the ones you’re interested in: replay highlights, embedding videos on other sites, and autoplay features for Android devices.
If you’ve been away from the online world the whole day and if you follow a lot of accounts on Periscope, then by the time you go back online, you might have missed some (or a lot of) stuff. The new feature called Highlights will generate a sort of trailer for all the Periscope broadcasts so you can catch up on what you might have missed from the last day or the highlights of the things that you have searched for so you can get an understanding of what that latest hashtag means. Now as to which of the broadcasts or even what part of it is to be included, Periscope says they base it on “signals”, but we don’t know exactly what those are.
Another new feature in Periscope is that you’ll know be able to embed your live broadcasts anywhere you want on your site. Some publishers have already started using this feature in order to bring their stories to life. This includes Mashable, RT, Washington Post, El Pais, etc. For Android devices, the broadcasts will now autoplay in your app’s Watch Tab and Global Feed. Don’t worry, the sound will be off so you won’t go crazy and if you decide to watch one, just tap on it to get “the full live experience” which of course includes the audio.
The Periscope update will be rolling out over the next few days. Just check your app’s Google Play page to see if the update has reached you already.
SOURCE: Periscope
Story Timeline
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