


The animated movie The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Affair tells the tale of the titular clan who must cooperate with their animal friends in order to locate a young girl they’ve adopted who has been kidnapped and whisked away into the forest.


“A Royal Family Tree” is the latest entry in a long line of “Swan Princess” movies. I didn’t even know that SONY somehow managed to turn this into a franchise. Hell, I didn’t know that Jack Palance was in the first one. Apparently, there’s a lot that I don’t know about the world around me and its predilection towards CG princess movies. Basically, this flick is about a girl getting kidnapped and taken to the forest. She learns Princess stuff and finds out about her true family.

Magic and talking animals might entertain the tykes, but this movie is so damn shrill. Everything feels like it’s being hammered home to the slowest little girls in the audience. While dumb girls need role models, it shouldn’t be from poorly animated Princess types. Well, unless they wear helmets. But, I guess you can kind of say that a tiara is like a helmet. I just wish it had far more spiky corners, so that we could end this nightmare faster.

The Blu-Ray comes with two sing-alongs, a sparkly tiara and a free Shutterfly photo thing. The DTS-HD master audio track kicks in where it needs to, but it sounds more like a stereo track than a bigger mix. The 1080p transfer is what it is, so most kiddie film watchers should know what to expect. But, it’s not like your kids are going to notice. In the end, I’d recommend a purchase to parents of young girls.

RELEASE DATE: 02/25/2014

The post SWAN PRINCESS, THE: A ROYAL FAMILY TREE appeared first on AndersonVision.

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