
According to your Anchorage Dentist, keeping your teeth doesn’t have to be difficult. Of course, brushing twice and flossing once a day along with rinsing after eating starchy, sticky, and sweet foods help, but so does regular visits to your dentist.

More than 50 percent of adults who live in the US, avoid the dentist because of fear, neglect and finances, but most have no idea that the longer they stay out of the dentist’s chair, the more damage they will cause their teeth and gums. Avoiding the dentist can make problems worse especially when it comes to tooth decay, trauma and gum disease. Regular dental checkups can also detect oral cancer in its earliest stages.

Children should practice good dental care just like everyone else. In fact, kids should see the dentist before they reach the age of one. Teach your children how to brush their teeth and you will be developing good dental habits that will last for the rest of their lives.

Skip the soda, energy and sports drinks. The citric and phosphoric acid, not to mention the sugar, can eat away at the enamel on your teeth. Drink water or unsweetened tea if you want to keep your mouth healthy.

See your doctor if you are having trouble with cigarettes or chewing tobacco. The tar and nicotine will stain your teeth, but can also cause serious problems with your gums. When you smoke, you are inviting plaque and bacteria into your mouth, which will eventually eat away at the bone that supports your teeth leading to tooth loss. Tobacco use can also lead to cancer.

Using the right toothbrush is essential if you want to keep your teeth. Throw out the medium or hard bristled toothbrush and opt for soft bristles instead. Replace your toothbrush every two or three months if you notice that the bristles are bent or blunt. Using a worn out toothbrush can injure your teeth and your gums.

Most people assume that they are brushing the right way, but according to the American Dental Association, it is important that you point your brush at the gum line at an angle of 45 degrees. Use circular motions in a gentle way and brush every tooth about 15 times. Do not over brush as this can erode the gum line and cause damage to your teeth.

If you cannot remember the last time you saw your dentist, schedule an appointment with Anchorage Midtown Dental. Keeping your teeth is not that difficult, especially if you pay close attention to your oral hygiene.

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