
In this part of the series I’ll walk you through package managers. I believe the definition available at Wikipedia really gives a good overview on what package managers are:

In software, a package management system, also called package manager, is a collection of software tools to automate the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing software packages for a computer’s operating system in a consistent manner. It typically maintains a database of software dependencies and version information to prevent software mismatches and missing prerequisites.

In simple terms package managers make it easy to install and modify software. In this blog post we’ll be walking through some of the package managers available for Linux, Mac and Windows. And also package managers for easily installing front-end dependencies like jQuery or Twitter Bootstrap.

Advanced Package Tool

First on the list is the Advanced Package Tool. It is the package manager used in Ubuntu and other Debian based Linux Distributions. You can use it to install new software, upgrade existing software or updating the package list index.

Searching for Packages

You can search for packages using the following command:

The package_name here doesn’t have to be exact as the package manager itself will list out all possible matches and not exact one’s. So for example if you’re trying to install filezilla:

An alternative for doing a search is directly addressing a specific package from the terminal. So if you want to use install php you simply execute the following command:

If the package which adds this specific command to your system path is not installed yet. Apt will make a suggestion on which package to install along with the command on how to install it.

Installing Packages

To install a package all you have to do is execute sudo apt-get install followed by the name of the package that you want to install:

List Package Dependencies

Dependencies are the packages that needs to be installed before you can use the package that you want to install. These are installed by default so you won’t really need to install them manually. If you want to know the dependencies of a specific package:

Removing Packages

To remove installed packages:

If you also want to remove the configuration files for a specific package:

Updating Package List

To download the package lists from the repositories and updates those to get information on the most recent versions of packages and their dependencies:

Upgrading Installed Packages

To upgrade all existing packages:

To upgrade a specific package:

Executing the command above will list out all the available upgrades to the package. Just select y to confirm the installation of the upgrades when its being asked.


If you are using a Linux distribution that is not Debian based. You might want to use the following:






They basically have the same idea with apt. And most of them even have almost the same commands in order to accomplish something. All you have to do is substitute. So for example if you have yum installed on your system and you want to install filezilla, you simply use the yum install command:


Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows. Its pretty much the equivalent of apt-get in Windows.

To install chocolatey, open up the command line and execute the following command:

What this does is to download the chocolatey installer and copies it into the Windows path so it can be called from anywhere.

Here’s a list of all the available chocolatey packages.
As you can see, chocolatey is built with programmers in mind so there are packages for easily installing git, nodejs, ruby, python, phantomjs, vim and any other developer tool that you can think of. For your convenience, I’ve compiled some development tools and their corresponding install command below:

Sublime Text 2


Node JS











Easy Install








Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OS. You can install it by executing the following command from the terminal:

Note that the command above uses ruby. Ruby is already pre-installed on Mac OS so you can just execute it without installing Ruby.

Once homebrew is installed you can then start installing packages by using the brew command. So for example if you want to install git:

Here’s a list of homebrew packages that you can install. Note that you will have to omit the .rb extension. So when installing the wget.rb package you only have to execute the following command:


NPM is the package manager that comes with Node. Its commonly used for installing JavaScript tools that runs on the command line such as Grunt, Bower and Yeoman. Or JavaScript libraries or frameworks that you can use on your project such as Express, Underscore and Socket.IO.

Installing Node

Like I said earlier NPM comes with Node so you have to install Node before you can use NPM.
The first choice for installing Node would be to download the installer that was built for the operating system that you’re using. If that doesn’t work you can try any of the methods below:

In Linux you can install Node from the terminal by executing the following commands:

For Windows, you can install chocolatey then install Node by executing the following command:

For Mac OS, you install homebrew then install Node by executing the following command:

If all else fails, be sure to do a google search on each error that pops out and follow through any solution that you might find.

Installing NVM

Another option would be to install Node using NVM (Node Version Manager). A bash script that allows you to install and manage multiple versions of Node. Note that the following method requires Git to be installed, so if you don’t have it already installed on your machine you can download the available installers from the Git Download Page. After downloading check out the guide on how to install git.

Going back to installing nvm. You can do that by executing the following command:

The command above copies nvm binaries into your system path so you can just call nvm from any directory after the installation is done.

You can install any version of Node by using the nvm install command:

Once the installation is done you can then tell nvm to use the specific version that you installed:

Using NPM

Installing Packages Locally

Once that’s done you can now install packages via npm by using the following command:

This installs the package under the node_modules folder in your working directory.

You can install packages using the above method but the preferred method is to create a package.json file in which you specify all the dependencies of your current project. This allows you to easily install and manage the dependencies of your project using only the npm install command. Here’s an example package.json file which depends on express and jade:

Breaking it down:

name – the name of your app, note that this should be a machine friendly name.

version – the version of your app

private – supplying a value of true tells npm that your app is private, therefore it shouldn’t be listed in the npm registry.

dependencies – an object containing the name and version of packages in which your app depends. You can use the npm website to search for packages that you can install.

Once you have a valid package.json in the root of your project directory. You can just execute npm install from the root of your project directory. This will install all your dependencies under the node_modules folder:

The packages will be installed in their own folders. There’s also the .bin folder where the executable file for each packages can be called.

Installing Packages Globally

If you want to install a specific package globally, simply add the -g option:

This will install the package under the /usr/local/lib/node_modules directory or the node_modules directory of wherever node is installed.

Searching for Packages

You can also search for packages using the npm search:

This might take a while the first time you execute it since it will be downloading an index of all the packages that are available in the npm repository. But if you’re on Google Fiber there’s no problem.

Uninstalling Packages

You can uninstall packages using the uninstall command:

Be sure to add the -g option if you installed the package globally:


Bower is the package manager for front-end dependencies of your app. Its specifically useful for easily installing libraries such as jQuery or Twitter Bootstrap. It is loader agnostic, which means that you can use any module loader such as AMD or CommonJS.

Bower is available from npm so you can install it via nvm:

A global install is recommended for bower so that you can use it from any project.

Installing Packages

Once bower is installed you can then start installing packages in your working directory by using the bower install command:

The command above will install the latest version by default. If you want to install a specific version you do:

If you’re not sure about the name of a specific package that you’re trying to install you can visit the bower website and search for it.

The command above will install the package under the bower_components folder by default. But if you want it to install somewhere else you can do so by creating a .bowerrc file. So for example if you want bower to install your apps dependencies under the libraries folder:

Again there’s more than one way to go with things. With bower you can also install your apps dependencies by creating a bower.json file where you will specify its dependencies. Note that this is very similar to that of the package.json file that we used earlier with npm, the only difference is that were requiring front-end dependencies:

Listing Installed Packages

You can also list out packages that are currently installed by using the list command:

This will list out all the packages and their dependencies:

Inspecting the screenshot above you can see that bootstrap depends on jquery.
And sure enough when we open up the bower.json file inside the bootstrap directory we can see that jquery is listed under the dependencies:

Bower automatically installs the dependencies of each of your dependencies. Pretty neat!
Since we have specified jquery as a dependency under the bower.json file of our project bower already knows that it should install that version of jquery (1.10.2) instead of the one specified under the bower.json file under the bootstrap directory.

Updating Packages

You can also update installed packages using the update command. Be sure to update the bower.json file to use a later version of your apps dependencies and then execute the following command:

This will update all the installed packages in your project directory. You can also update specific packages by specifying the package name:

Uninstalling Packages

You can also uninstall packages by using the uninstall command. This can take one or more packages. In the example below were uninstalling both bootstrap and moment:


Another front-end dependency package manager is Jam. What’s nice about Jam is that it was built with asynchronous module loading in mind. It uses AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) for loading up the dependencies of your app asynchronously.

Just like Bower you can install Jam using npm:

Installing Packages

You can install packages using the install command followed by the name of the package that you want to install:

This will install your dependencies on the jam directory. Notice that a require.config.js and require.js file is also created. This is because Jam uses requireJS to asynchronously load your dependencies. This means that you can load your dependencies by requiring them instead of using script tags and specifying the source.

The require.js file created by Jam is customized based on the packages that you have installed on your project directory. You’ll have to include it first before trying to require your dependencies:

Do note that installing a package using the method above isn’t recommended since you will most likely have to install other packages as your project grows. The recommended method is creating a package.json file where you specify all your apps dependencies:

The packageDir is where packages are installed.
The baseUrl is the directory in which to make relative package paths from.
The dependencies is where you specify the name and version of a package to install.
Once you’re ready to install just execute the jam install command in the root of your project directory.

If at a later time you decide to add another dependency you can just add it to the package.json file. In the example below were adding knockout version 2.2.0 as a dependency:

Once you’ve added the new dependency simply execute the jam install command again. Jam will also update the require.js and require.config.js file to include your new dependency.

Require.js File

Inspecting the require.js file we can see that the following code has been added near the bottom of the file:

As you can see it contains the name, location and the main file of the packages that you installed. So that when you require them later on on your script it knows exactly where to find them and which file to load. If you’re new to the concept of module loading be sure to check out the following resources:

Understanding RequireJS for Effective Module Loading

Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony

Searching for Packages

You can search for jam packages using the search command:

You can also use the jam packages page to look for packages to install.

Uninstalling Packages

You can uninstall packages by executing the following command:

This will also update the require.config.js and require.js file. Note that this won’t update your package.json file so you have to remove the specific dependency in that file as well if you don’t want it to get installed when you execute the jam install command later on. Also note that if the specific package that you are trying to remove is a dependency of another package jam won’t remove it. Here’s an example of removing a package in which another package is dependent on:

Compiling Scripts

Jam also allows you to compile your script and its dependencies using the compile command:

Breaking the command down, we used the -i option to specify the input file. The input file is basically the main JavaScript file used by our app. Here’s an example:

The -o is where we specify the output. By default jam saves the output file on the directory where the compile command is called.

The compile command assumes that you have a package.json file where you specified the baseUrl. In the package.json file that we used earlier the baseUrl is set to public. This means that jam will look into the public directory for the script.js file. Note that we didn’t have to specify the extension (.js) in the example since jam already assumes that the extension is .js.


Unlike npm, bower or jam browserify is not really considered a full-fledged package manager since it doesn’t allow you to install or manage packages. However it allows you to write node.js-style modules in the front-end.

Browserify is also preffered to be installed globally since you can use it on multiple projects:

Once you’re done installing you can then install the packages in which your app depends on:

Then you can use the package that you just installed by requiring it into your main JavaScript file (js/main.js):

Note that you won’t be able to run this on the browser just yet. You first have to compile it using browserify. Execute the following command on the root of your apps directory:

The command above assumes that you have your main JavaScript file inside the js directory which is under the root directory of your app. The -o option allows you to specify the output file. In this case the output file is under dist/js/main.js. This will be the file that you’re going to link into the page where you plan to run the script (index.html):

When you run this file in the browser you will see the following output:

If you want to minify the output of browserify you can also install uglify js:

Then pipe browserify’s output to uglify-js:

Note that in the above command we didn’t supply the -o option so that browserify will simply return the output as a string. We then piped it to the uglify-js command and specifying the output file from there.

Browserify is a good alternative to RequireJS for managing the front-end dependencies of your app.


Lastly there’s component, a package manager that allows you to write modular commonjs components.

To install component:

Searching for Components

You can then find a list of components that you can install from this page. Or use the search command to search for existing components that matches your query:

Installing a Component

Writing an app using component requires a component.json file to be created in the root of the app:

The component.json file looks similar to the package.json and bower.json file that we’ve seen so far. Remember that the name should be a machine-friendly name. There’s also a bit difference in the name of the dependencies. The convention used by component is author/component in order to avoid naming collisions. In the example above we only have one dependency which is the component/datepicker. This allows us to add a datepicker on text fields.
We also have to specify the main JavaScript file (main.js). There’s also the scripts where we specify the other scripts that is used by the app. In this case we only have the main JavaScript file so its the only file that we put in.

Once you’re done building the component.json file execute the install command to install your dependencies:

This will install your dependencies under the components directory:

As you can see from the screenshot above component creates a bunch of folders under the components directory. When you open up the folders you will see that there’s a component.json file in each of them. Here’s the contents of the component.json file under the component/aurora directory:

As you can see it also specifies its on dependency. There’s also an additional repo property, this is the Github repository in which the component is hosted. To access it from the browser all you have to do is prefix it with github.com/{repo}.

Checking out each of the dependencies you can see that they’re also installed on your components directory each with their own assets (stylesheets, scripts and images).

And that is the philosophy behind component. Splitting up packages into multiple distinct modules. This encourages code-reuse. This means that you will be able to easily import and add various dependencies in your app. But only those that are really needed. This means that a component can comprise of many different components that represent a single module.

Going back to our example. In the main.js file put in the following code:

What this does is requiring the datepicker component that we installed earlier and transforms all the elements which has a name of date into a date picker.

Once you’re done with that execute the build command:

This will tell component to build the components that you installed. In simple terms this brings in all the components together in a single file. One main file for each file type. By default component saves these files into the build directory of your app. So the main stylesheet will be named build.css and the main script file will be named build.js. You can then use it from any page in your app:

As you can see from the code above we’re calling up what’s in our main JavaScript file (main.js) by requiring it into the page:

The name here is basically the name that you used in your component.json file earlier.


That’s it! In this blog post we’ve gone over some of the package managers that we can use to easily install and manage software. We’ve also gone over some of the front-end package managers. We have barely scratch the surface in this blog post. The next step would be to find a way in which these package managers will fit into your current workflow. Or you can also look at how to automate the building of the final script so you won’t have to manually build the dependencies together with the main script of your app.


Package Managers: An Introductory Guide For The Uninitiated Front-End Developer

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