
Some of you might already know that I’m extremely slow at answering emails. My email inbox is literally like a black hole. Whenever I answer 50 emails, 60 new ones are waiting for me. This is a question that I get asked multiple times per day.

“Dear Ali, how long does it really take to increase testosterone levels naturally?”

“Hey Ali, I’m right now at 250 ng/dL testosterone, how long does it take to get to +800 ng/dL following your tips?”

And many other emails along similar lines.

The boiling question always is: How long does it take to increase natural testosterone levels?

And here’s my answer:

How Long it Takes to Increase T Naturally?

The answer to that boiling question is extremely simple.

Nobody knows exactly how long it will take.

People are just so different and have such different backgrounds, habits, life situations, etc.

When we’re talking about the endocrine system, you have to understand that everything affects everything.

With that being said, I can give you some helpful examples:

a) I started at ~400 ng/dL about 5 years ago. Back then I knew absolutely nothing about testosterone, and I couldn’t even understand any scientific literature. It took me more than 3 years to reach +1000 ng/dL, but that was because I learned everything through trial and error. If a blog like this would of have existed back then, I think it would of have taken roughly 6-12 months instead of +3 years.

b) Christopher Walker, the author of Testshock program, went from 11 ng/dL to 1192 ng/dL in ~18 months. His journey was faster, even though his starting point was considerably lower than mine. Why? Because he knew what to do. Chris understood the endocrine system, he studied neuroscience in the Duke university, and had access to all the material you’d ever need when optimizing natural testosterone production.

c) There are hundreds of emails in my inbox, and dozens of comments around various posts in this blog, where people say how they have gone from 200-400 ng/dL to 600-800 ng/dL, usually in a time span of 3-6 months. These are most commonly readers who have been following the blog for a while, and have just implemented the teachings little by little. These things might be: changing the diet around, losing 10 lbs of fat mass, correcting vitamin and mineral defiencies, and/or starting a resistance training routine, etc.

d) There’s also the group I call “magic-pill chasers”. These are the people who ask about supplements (and supplements only), but never do anything to their shitty diets, obesity, environmental estrogen exposure, or non-existing exercise routines. When the “super tribulus 3000 hardcore” supplement doesn’t skyrocket their testosterone levels in a week, they give up, without realizing that they never really took ACTION. For these people, it takes a lifetime, and they won’t get any results.

e) There are some studies with larger groups of men as subjects, which can give us some insights about different scenarios. For example: here’s a study with 891 men as subjects. When their body fat percentage dropped by -9% on average, their testosterone levels went up by ~50%. Got 9% extra fat to drop? As soon as you’re done with that, you can expect your T levels to be 50% higher.

As boring as it sounds, nobody knows how long it will take for you to increase your T levels. There are far too many factors in play. You might be a magic-pill chaser, you might be 200 lbs overweight, or you might just be an average Joe with grit and confidence to take action and eventually get results.

Just remember that whatever the situation, 99% of all men can increase their natural testosterone production. Significantly. It’s just never an overnight process.

The same rule as in losing weight, also applies to natural testosterone optimization…

…You didn’t get to low T in a day, and you surely can’t fix that in a day either.


“How long does it take to increase my testosterone levels?”

Nobody knows, and nobody cares. There are too many factors in play, and you’re the only one responsible to yourself.

You will know the answer once you have done it. Then you can look back and understand that it was all worth it. Quit chasing the magic-pill, and quit asking how long it will take. Instead, take action. Read, implement, and get results. What have you got to lose?




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