
Cali Kurlan, Bluewolf scholarship recipient

Luma Jasim, Bluewolf scholarship recipient

With heartfelt thanks to our friends at Bluewolf for providing this opportunity to our students, it is Parsons Fine Arts great pleasure to announce Cali Kurlan and Luma Jasim as recipients of the Bluewolf Scholarship.

Kurlan and Jasim join the illustrious alum of Fernando do Campo, Alex Sheriff, Ryo Sato and Tariku Shiferaw who have previously held the scholarship.

Big thanks to Parsons faculty Rit Premnanth for his management of the scholarship and unswerving support of students in preparation for the presentation finals as well as installation of the work at Bluewolf. Thanks also to Parsons faculty Lan Thao Lam who joined the Bluewolf faculty team this fall and will provide invaluable support moving forward.

Kurlan and Jasim’s work will be on display in the Bluewolf offices for the next three months.

Jasim’s current body of work explores the relationship between violence, politics, gender and emotional memory. She says, “Using traditional and non-traditional layers, I create textures that combine photography and painting to a sculptural surface.”

Kurlan’s work considers a dialogue of photography. Of her work she says, “My work confronts institutional critique in a way that deconstructs our preconceived notions and conventions…the work presents not constraints, but prepossess elements and factors to that of the photographic process and the installation is specific to the office space.”

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