by Crystal Zahler
No pants, no problem!
Just follow the herd of people this Sunday making their pant less way onto the Metro in LA!
The No Pants Subway Ride that started as a tradition in New York by the Imrpov Everywhere group is back in LA for it’s 9th year.
Metro riders will meet up at Union Station at 1:00pm wearing no pants (but be sure to wear underwear so you don’t get arrested) to ride as a group to Hollywood or the new stop in Santa Monica!
The event in put on in LA by GuerilLA and they refer to the particpants as “agents” on a “mission.” The goal is to act completely normal and if someone happens to ask you why you aren’t wearing pants (which surely someone will) just to respond casually that you forgot them at home!
The mission itself is free, you just need to purchase a TAP card and a $7 Metro Day pass.
If you decide to attempt the mission there is more info here.