
This post is part of YummyMummyClub.ca's support of the Dove® Celebrate Mom Contest. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors. You can nominate inspiring moms here: http://www.celebratemom.ca/.

Its true, beauty does come from within. It is our heart and soul; it is who we are as women. This is the message we need to teach our girls of tomorrow, to better their tomorrow. Dove is committed to raising awareness about self-esteem of young girls. Helping them reach their full potential through the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which was developed to help spread the true message of beauty and rid our next generation of young girls from the deceitful images of the media. The fund has fantastic resources that enable and empower women and girls to embrace a broad definition of beauty. Every time you buy Dove you help raise a girls self-esteem.

Dove is celebrating women, moms in particular who inspire and moms who are a role model for their young daughters and young women alike. Dove invites you to nominate that special mom in your life to win $2,500 for herself and $2,500 for her favourite charity in the Dove Celebrate Mom Contest! What a special way to pay it forward to a woman who inspires you and girls in your life!

I have someone I would like to nominate, someone who I think is an inspirational mom, and a mom who I think is a great role model for young girls. My nominee is my sister-in-law, Melanie. Melanie is a mom of three who has been married to the love of her life for over ten years. She is down-to-earth, hard working and always puts her family first. She has patience, shows compassion and kindness while staying strong - qualities her daughters reflect, no doubt.

Melanie not only raises her own three children but she also runs a full-time home daycare to several children under the age of five years old. I honestly ask her how she can do it all, she just does and she she loves it. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does which is why I think she is an amazing person and role-model mom.

I think she is a great role model for her kids- her son and two daughters but also as an aunt to our own seven year old daughter. As a Mom I have always looked up to Melanie as a fellow mom, she has always been a big part of our lives since we started our little family.

Melanie was the first person to learn we were pregnant with our first baby; she was there when she was born and she is also our daughter's godmother. She enjoys spending time with our daughter as much as our daughter enjoys spending time with her.

I think Melanie deserves to win the Dove Celebrate Mom Contest because she is not only raising two wonderful young girls herself; she is also instilling her genuine qualities into her niece every time they spend that special time together. Being a special part of our lives, this would be our little way of saying "Thank You".

Visit www.CelebrateMom.ca by September 4th to nominate a mom who's an inspiring role model to women and girls in the Dove Celebrate Mom Contest. Four inspiring women will win $2,500 for herself and $2,500 to be donated to the charity of her choice.

And check out more stories on YummyMummyClub.ca about amazing role model moms:


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