
I first made a marshmallow for my fire breathing dragons to have as a treat. Soon after posting the photo of them enjoying a marshmallow I knew I had to write up the pattern for it so your dragon can have one too! However, you might not have a dragon and maybe don't even want a dragon but do want to "roast" some amigurumi  marshmallows? In that case, I came up with the fire pit for you to do just that. I hope you enjoy!

There is a print friendly button at the bottom of this pattern. If you would like to leave a donation please do so by using the donation button also located at the bottom of this pattern. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and do help me to keep on
providing free patterns!

Thank you so much and enjoy!

Read me ~> How to read the rows: Each row has a sequence as given below. Example: 1sc then 2sc in next st means repeat that sequence 1sc then 2sc in next st followed by 1sc then 2sc in next st over and over to the end of that particular row. The number inside the parentheses ( ~ ) is the number of stitches you should have at the end of that particular row.

Read me ~>  Add in a marker at the end of row 2 and move that marker at the end of every row. I just use a short length of yarn and pull it through the last stitch I put in at the end of every row. Work in continuous rounds, do not join. Have any questions or if you come across a mistake in the pattern please leave a message in the comment section below.

Red Heart yarn in white, red, yellow, orange, brown, light grey and dark grey
4.25mm hook *you can  use a 4mm or 4.5mm
blunt end yarn needle for sewing
steel pet brush or hard bristle brush
*optional ~ hot glue to glue rocks in place
*optional ~ brown paint for marshmallow, black paint for rocks
*optional ~ a stick for roasting the marshmallow (for older kids only)

st = stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
FLO = front loops only
BLO= back loops only
sc2tog = single crochet 2 stitches together
f/o = finish off

Scroll up and read the "Read Me" sections if unsure how to read the rows
Marshmallows: with white
1) magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2) 2sc in each st (12)
3) 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4) 1sc in the BLO for 1 row
5-10) 1sc in each st for 6 rows
11) 1sc then 2tog in the BLO (12)
f/o leaving a tail for sewing. Weave in and out of the FLO then stuff and shape. Pull yarn tail to close the gap. Carry the yarn tail through the center and out the other end then go back into the marshmallow, (go over a bit, don't go back through where you came out), through the center and out the other end. Tug on the yarn tail to pull the ends of the marshmallow together just slightly, this will help hold the shape. Once you're happy with how it looks, knot off and hide the yarn tail inside the marshmallow.
You can add a bit of color by dipping your finger tip into brown paint and very lightly dust the marshmallow in one area to make it look just like it does when it's starting to cook from the fire.
I didn't feel it necessary to add a face but did so on one for those who would like to see a face. I used black paint to dot the eyes in, dotted a tiny bit of white to those. I also painted the mouth and cheek color on.

Ground: with brown
1) magic circle or adjustable loop with 6hdc (6)
2) 2hdc in each (12) *work starting yarn tail into this row
3) 2hdc in each st (24)
4) 1hdc then 2hdc in the next st (36)
5) 1hdc in the next 3st then 2hdc in the next st (45)
6) 1hdc in the next 4st then 2hdc in the next st (54)
7) 1sc in the BLO for 1 row
8) (ch2 1sc in next st, sl st next st, 1sc in next st) repeat around
f/o and weave in yarn tail. Stretch the piece out. The part where you crocheted in the BLO should easily fold upwards creating a basket type bottom.

Ashes: with dark grey
1) magic circle or adjustable loop with 6hdc (6)
2) 2hdc in each (12) *work starting yarn tail into this row
3) 2hdc in each st (24)
4) 1hdc in next 3st then 2hdc in the next st (30)
5) 1sc in the BLO for 1 row.
f/o leaving a tail for sewing. Use this yarn tail to sew the ashes to the ground.

Rocks: with light grey

1) magic circle or adjustable loop with 6hdc (6)
2) 2hdc in each (12)
3) 1hdc in next 2st then sc2tog (9)
4) sc2tog twice, stuff rock with yarn or stuffing, it won't take much of either. Then sl st across and then again to close up the gap. (The rocks are not meant to be perfect round balls) f/o and hide yarn tail inside rock.
You can add color to the side of the rocks that will face the fire by dipping your finger into black paint and rubbing it on the surface of the rock.

Fire: with red, orange and yellow
wrap orange, yellow, and red strands of yarn together around your hand about 6 times, drop the orange and red and wrap the yellow about 3 more times. Cut free, take the loop of strands off your hand and cut through the middle of the loop. Hold one end very tight and brush the other end. Once you have the strands completely brushed out, turn it around and brush the other end. Tie off center and sew to the middle of the ashes.  Sorry for the terrible photos of the fire. I took them from my video. If you need a better understanding of what I explained here, I do have a video for making this fire, click here. Watch it only up to where you tie it off in the center.


1) sew the fire to the middle of the ashes. Pull the yarn tight when you knot off to help the fire stand straight up. Now sew the ashes to the center of the ground.

2) assemble the rocks. You can sew these in place. I prefer hot glue though, much quicker. You can also leave them as they are and just assemble them each time for play.

I hope you enjoyed the pattern.  Post pictures on my facebook page Amigurumi Freely. Or post them on instagram with the hashtag #sharonojala. My ig ~>  Sharon_Ojala.

Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and help keep the patterns free. If you do give a donation, please accept this note as my sincere thanks and know that you have helped a great deal.
Many Blessings to you!

Copyright 2016 Author: Sharon Ojala - Amigurumi To Go, All rights reserved

If you would like to share this pattern, link back to it. Do not reprint or take photos. You can use one photo from this pattern for sharing and linking back to the pattern. You can sell finished products. Thank you. I hope you enjoy!

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