
With major advances in technology, marketers have more resources and data at their fingertips than ever before. Google Analytics is one of the great tools allowing webmasters to better understand visitor behavior and improve their websites to increase traffic and shift behavior patterns.

As we develop websites for attorneys, we are often asked what exactly visitors are looking for when coming to a legal site. While this differs greatly by practice area and even by geographic location, Analytics data has allowed us to identify a number of pages which almost always top the most visited list. If you are looking to strengthen your practice’s web presence, take time to carefully develop graphics and messaging for the following heavily visited pages on your site:

Home Page
A website’s home page carries a lot of weight with both search engines and visitors. In fact, in looking at the Analytics data for most law firms, you will find that this page has the most pageviews of all site pages. Far too often, attorneys devote hours to perfecting practice area copy or fine-tuning their past settlements and verdicts list to impress prospective clients but they fail to spend time perfecting the most visible page on their sites – the home page.

Your home page should provide a new visitor with a concise overview of who you are, what you do and guide them to the section of your site that can provide them with more information on the legal matter that has led them to your site in the first place.

Attorney Profiles
Attorney and staff profiles are also among the most popular pages on legal websites. It’s no surprise that prospective clients and even adversaries want to know more about the attorneys of the firm. As with all other copy on the site, these pages should be written with a client in mind. While the messaging should showcase the attorney’s experience, it should more specifically explain how this experience can benefit a client or raise concern among opposing counsel. With each biography, you should also include a professional (current) photo too. An image can lend some credibility and help to connect more effectively with a visitor.

Contact Us Page
In reviewing Analytics data with our clients, they are often surprised to learn that the Contact Us page is one of the most frequently visited sections of their websites. And despite its importance, it is often the most neglected page, with no copy or any customization. Often, firms simply include the office address, phone number and fax number, and then they’re done. Given the traffic that this page receives, it’s important that you take some time to customize it for the visitor. You might consider explaining what a prospective client can expect after he or she submits the online form or reiterate that the initial consultation is complimentary.

Practice area pages and blog posts are also among the top most visited spots on most legal websites. If you are running aggressive Pay per Click campaigns or other online advertisements, you will have greater control over how visitors are funneled to your site.

To get a better understanding of how visitors behave on your specific site and strengthen your online presence, we encourage you to periodically review your Google Analytics reports. At Amicus Creative Media, we’re happy to review your traffic statistics and provide you with suggestions for enhancing your law firm’s website. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. 

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