The American Security Project (ASP) cordially invites you to:
A Conversation with Christine Todd Whitman
The Future of Nuclear Power
So far, this decade has not seen the “nuclear renaissance” that many had predicted. While four new reactors are currently under construction in the U.S., as much nuclear generating capacity is closing as is opening. However, at 21% of electricity generation, nuclear power remains the largest source of clean power in the U.S. – and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
The political debate on nuclear power has been stuck on the same debates for 30 years, but the technology has rapidly advanced. What is the outlook for the American nuclear industry? Technology advances will prove that tomorrow’s nuclear is far different from yesterday’s – but can politics catch up? Will Small Modular Reactors prove to be the future? Is there any hope of solving the political deadlock on waste? Governor Whitman will address these questions, and more.
We hope you can join us.
The event will take place on Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 0830 – 0930
at the American Security Project, 1100 New York Ave., 7th Floor West Tower.
The conference will begin promptly at 8:30 AM.
Christine Todd Whitman
Christine Todd Whitman is the President of The Whitman Strategy Group (WSG), a consulting firm that specializes in energy and environmental issues. WSG offers a comprehensive set of solutions to problems facing businesses, organizations, and governments; they have been at the forefront of helping leading companies find innovative solutions to environmental challenges.
She is also co-chair of the Republican Leadership Council (RLC), which she founded with Senator John Danforth. The RLC’s mission is to support fiscally conservative, socially tolerant candidates and to reclaim the word Republican. She is the author of a New York Times best seller called “It’s My Party Too”, which was published in January of 2005 and released in paperback in March 2006.
Governor Whitman served in the cabinet of President George W. Bush as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from January of 2001 until June of 2003. She was the 50th Governor of the State of New Jersey, serving as its first woman governor from 1994 until 2001.
As Governor, Christie Whitman earned praise from both Republicans and Democrats for her commitment to preserve a record amount of New Jersey land as permanent green space. She was also recognized by the Natural Resources Defense Council as having instituted the most comprehensive beach monitoring system in the nation. As EPA Administrator, she promoted common-sense environmental improvements such as watershed-based water protection policies. She championed regulations requiring non-road diesel engines to reduce sulfur emissions by more than 95 percent. Under her tenure, the Agency established the first federal program to promote redevelopment and reuse of “brownfields”, that is, previously contaminated industrial sites.
Governor Whitman serves on a number of non-profit organizations including the Board of Trustees’ Executive Committee of the Eisenhower Fellowships as well as Chair of their Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations. She was also the Co-Chair for the Council on Foreign Relations’ Task Force, More Than Humanitarianism: A Strategic U.S. Approach Toward Africa, as well as the Aspen Health Stewardship Project, which was released in February of 2008. She co-chairs Clean and Safe Energy (CASE) with Dr. Patrick Moore and is a member of the board of directors of the American Security Project.
Governor Whitman also serves on the Board of Directors of S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc., Texas Instruments Inc., and United Technologies Corporation. She currently serves as an advisor to the Aspen Rodel Fellowship program.
The American Security Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and understanding of a range of national security issues, promoting debate about the appropriate use of American power, and cultivating strategic responses to 21st century challenges. For more information,
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