
To preface this article, let's hear Hillary Clinton referring to herself as a "modern Progressive" during the 2008 presidential debates. You can listen to her words in describing "Progressives," but the true definition is in what they DO:

The American Progressive movement came out of the European
Fabian Socialist movement. The ultimate goal is big government in control of virtually
everything because you – the people – are too stupid to know what’s best for
you. In America today, Progressive = Socialist = Marxist.

Glenn Beck gave a summary of their own stated goals HERE. See this article
for the full explanation of each of the following.

No. 1: A strong, centralized government.
No. 2: A powerful executive at the expense of Congress and
the judicial.
No. 3: Government controlled banking, credit, and securities
No. 4: Government control over employment.
No. 5: Unemployment insurance and old age pensions.
No. 6: Universal medical care, food, and universal housing
No. 7: Access to unlimited government borrowing.
No. 8: A managed monetary system.
No. 9: Government control over foreign aid.
No. 10: Government control over all natural energy sources,
transportation, and agricultural production.
No. 11: Government regulation of labor.
No. 12: Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community
service, and idealogical teaching consistent with those of the authorities. (Think
“Common Core” – my added note.)
No. 13: Heavy progressive taxation. 

Do these sound familiar?


Here is a bit of history on American Progressives from R. J.
Pestritto, Shipley Professor of the American Constitution at Hillsdale College:

“Many on the left
today call themselves “progressive,” and they do so not just because it’s a
nicer way of saying “liberal,” but also because they very much intend to revive
the political principles of America’s original Progressives, from the
Progressive Era of the 1880s through World War I.  Why would leftist politicians, like Mrs.
Clinton, purposely identify themselves with this Progressive movement?

The reason is that
America’s original Progressives were also its original, big-government
liberals.  Most people point to the New
Deal era as the source of big government and the welfare state that we have
today.  While this is perfectly accurate,
it is important to understand that the principles of the New Deal did not
originate in the New Deal; rather, they came from the Progressives, who had
dominated American politics and intellectual cultural a generation prior to the
New Deal.

We have no less an
authority on this connection than Franklin Roosevelt himself.  When FDR campaigned in 1932, he pointed to
the Progressives – and in particular to Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson –
as the source of his ideas about government.”



Here is a list of the Congressional Democratic Progressive
Caucus (Senate and House). For further information and for links to the
websites of these misguided Americans, please go to the Progressive Caucus’s
website HERE.

Keith Ellison, Raúl Grijalva, Judy Chu, David Cicilline, Michael
Honda, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Jan Schakowsky, Barbara Lee, Bernie Sanders, Karen
Bass, Xavier Becerra, Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici, Corrine Brown, Michael
Capuano, Andre Carson, Matt Cartwright, Donna Christensen, Yvette Clarke, William
“Lacy” Clay, Emanuel Cleaver, Steve Cohen, John Conyers, Elijah Cummings, Danny
Davis, Peter DeFazio, Rosa DeLauro, Donna Edwards, Sam Farr, Chaka Fattah, Lois
Frankel, Marcia Fudge, Alan Grayson, Luis Gutierrez, Janice Hahn, Rush Holt, Michael
Honda, Steven Horsford, Jared Huffman, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Hakeem Jeffries, Eddie
Bernice Johnson, Hank Johnson, Marcy Kaptur, Joe Kennedy III, Ann McLane Kuster,
Barbara Lee, John Lewis, David Loebsack, Ben Ray Lujan, Carolyn Maloney, Ed Markey, Jim
McDermott, James McGovern, George Miller, Gwen Moore, Jim Moran, Jerrold Nadler,
Rick Nolan, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Frank Pallone, Ed Pastor, Chellie Pingree, Mark
Pocan, Jared Polis, Charles Rangel, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Linda Sanchez, Jose
Serrano, Louise Slaughter, Mark Takano, Bennie Thompson, John Tierney, Nydia
Velazquez, Maxine Waters, Mel Watt, and Peter Welch.


Progressives are not your friends. They want to extend the tentacles of big government into every aspect of your life. They want to control what you eat, what you drive, what your kids are taught (remember, the Progressive Socialists don't believe your kids belong to you; they belong to the "collective"), and they want to disarm you so you are easier to "control."

Don't let it happen America....

Posted by:

Charles M. Grist


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