
Here's Milo's statement on Facebook, "I was just evacuated from UC Berkeley (VIDEO)."

This is perhaps the most violent protest against the man yet. Clearly leftists are even more enraged now that the "alt-right" has a sympathetic ear in the White House.

And at Fox News, and on Twitter below.

There's a major black bloc element out there. These folks are not going to tolerate a difference of opinion. No wonder Yiannopoulos was evacuated. We're on the precipice of civil war. And the initial violent skirmishes are already breaking out on America's campuses.

The state of higher education in the age of Trump. #Berkeley pic.twitter.com/VrBZnYNcFD

— Alexander Nazaryan (@alexnazaryan) February 2, 2017

Police amassing on ground floor of Berkeley student union. Things could get...real. pic.twitter.com/p128zX7IT8

— Alexander Nazaryan (@alexnazaryan) February 2, 2017

Milo wasn't welcome in Berkeley. pic.twitter.com/3KUMorC0zL

— Alexander Nazaryan (@alexnazaryan) February 2, 2017

Trump presidency, day 13. #berkeley pic.twitter.com/A9MCOqWq6E

— Alexander Nazaryan (@alexnazaryan) February 2, 2017

The graffiti on the destroyed generator says "Fuck Trump." pic.twitter.com/x9E5OVtdtt

— Alexander Nazaryan (@alexnazaryan) February 2, 2017

People taking photos in front of defaced Walgreens on Telegraph Avenue. pic.twitter.com/3IO3xsJgkE

— Alexander Nazaryan (@alexnazaryan) February 2, 2017

Berkeley protests. pic.twitter.com/oVLI9NHo3A

— Alexander Nazaryan (@alexnazaryan) February 2, 2017

UC Berkeley looks like a war zone right now thanks to violent protesters furious over #MiloYiannopoulos speech https://t.co/NUTF1NFfy0 pic.twitter.com/tQSYtcQUfL

— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) February 2, 2017

#BREAKING: Protest continues with the burning of a #MAGA hat & "fuck Donald Trump" chants #UCBerkeley pic.twitter.com/XrT1fm4pX1

— Kris Cruz (@rc_kris) February 2, 2017

Protesters migrating to Bancroft Way. Preparing to march. #UCBerkeley #MiloYiannopoulos pic.twitter.com/cJT86j7DX8

— Lilian Kim (@liliankim7) February 2, 2017

Police threaten use of batons, chemical agents for UC Berkeley protest: https://t.co/zaKBMCXz4X #MiloAtCal

— ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) February 2, 2017

#UCBerkeley responds after violent #protest forces cancelation of #MiloYiannopoulos speech: https://t.co/bYIzUvYuLN pic.twitter.com/WK2CpMhUu1

— ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) February 2, 2017

Proudly intolerant of genocide. Intolerant of a fascist government. Intolerant of #alternativefacts. #onevictory #MiloAtCal #NOFASCISTUSA pic.twitter.com/zx04LYKQzY

— #NoFascistUSA (@RefuseFascism) February 2, 2017

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