
30 Incredible Views you’d see if you were a bird.. or from a airplane, Heli, Airglider etc.. but hey it just sounds cooler..

1. Barcelona  |  Image credits: Aldas Kirvaitis

2. Central Park, New York City   |   Image credits: Sergey Semenov

3. Dubai Islands  |  image credits: unknown

4. Maze at Longleat, England   |   Image credits: archive.4plebs.org

5. Mexico City   |   Image credits: Pablo Lopez Luz

6. Venice   |   Image credits: Yann Arthus Bertrand

7. Amsterdam, The Netherlands  |   Image credits: Cris Toala Olicares

8. Niagara Falls, Canada   |   Image credits: thezooom.com

9. Namib Desert, Namibia   |   Image credits: SysaWorld Roberto Moiola

10. Chicago Skyline, U.S.A   |   Image credits:  Robert Elves

11. Tulip Fields, The Netherlands   |    Image credits: Normann Szkop

12. Bern, Switzerland   |   Image credits: imgur.com

13. Dubrovnik, Croatia   |   Image credits: Michaelphillipr

14. Paris, France   |   Image credits: imgur.com

15. Meskendir Valley, Turkey   |   Image credits: Beng Lieu Song

16. Shanghai, China   |   Image credits: Mike Hedge

17. Capetown, South Africa   |   Image credits: imgur.com

18. Moscow, Russia   |   Image credits: imgur.com

19. Athens, Greece   |   Image credits: imgur.com

20. Vancouver, Canada   |    Image credits: Evan Leeson

21. Male, Maldives   |    Image credits:  Mohamed Abdulla Shafeeg

22. Seattle, U.S.A   |    Image credits: thatcherphotography.com

23. Giza Pyramids, Egypt   |   Image credits: satimagingcorp.com

24. Bac Son Valley, Vietnam   |   Image credits: Hai Thinh

25. Marina Bay, Dubai   |   Image credits: airpano.com

26. Rio de Janeiro   |    Image credits: Antonello

27. Terraced Rice Fields, China   |   Image credits: Thierry Bornier

28. Vatican City   |    Image credits: Randy P

29. Lake in Pomerania, Poland   |   Image credits: Kacper Kowalski

30. San Francisco, U.S.A   |   Image Credits: Flickr csaulit

Read more: http://www.wherecoolthingshappen.com/30-incredible-views-youd-see-if-you-were-a-bird/#ixzz3SslDLCK8

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