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The Rust team is happy to announce the latest version of Rust, 1.9. Rust is a
systems programming language focused on safety, speed, and concurrency.

As always, you can install Rust 1.9 from the appropriate page on our
website, and check out the detailed release notes for 1.9 on GitHub.
About 1000 patches were landed in this release.

What’s in 1.9 stable

Controlled unwinding

The biggest shift in Rust 1.9 is the stabilization of the std::panic module,
which includes methods for halting the unwinding process started by a panic:

This new API was defined in RFC 1236.

In general, Rust distinguishes between two ways that an operation can fail:

Due to an expected problem, like a file not being found.

Due to an unexpected problem, like an index being out of bounds for an array.

Expected problems usually arise from conditions that are outside of your
control; robust code should be prepared for anything its environment might throw
at it. In Rust, expected problems are handled via the Result type,
which allows a function to return information about the problem to its caller,
which can then handle the error in a fine-grained way.

Unexpected problems are bugs: they arise due to a contract or assertion being
violated. Since they are unexpected, it doesn’t make sense to handle them in a
fine-grained way. Instead, Rust employs a “fail fast” approach by panicking,
which by default unwinds the stack (running destructors but no other code) of
the thread which discovered the error. Other threads continue running, but will
discover the panic any time they try to communicate with the panicked thread
(whether through channels or shared memory). Panics thus abort execution up to
some “isolation boundary”, with code on the other side of the boundary still
able to run, and perhaps to “recover” from the panic in some very coarse-grained
way. A server, for example, does not necessarily need to go down just because of
an assertion failure in one of its threads.

The new catch_unwind API offers a way to introduce new isolation boundaries
within a thread. There are a couple of key motivating examples:

Embedding Rust in other languages

Abstractions that manage threads

For the first case, unwinding across a language boundary is undefined behavior,
and often leads to segfaults in practice. Allowing panics to be caught means
that you can safely expose Rust code via a C API, and translate unwinding into
an error on the C side.

For the second case, consider a threadpool library. If a thread in the pool
panics, you generally don’t want to kill the thread itself, but rather catch the
panic and communicate it to the client of the pool. The catch_unwind API is
paired with resume_unwind, which can then be used to restart the panicking
process on the client of the pool, where it belongs.

In both cases, you’re introducing a new isolation boundary within a thread, and
then translating the panic into some other form of error elsewhere.

A final point: why catch_unwind rather than catch_panic? We are
in the process of adding an additional strategy for panics: aborting
the entire process (possibly after running a general hook). For some
applications, this is the most reasonable way to deal with a programmer error,
and avoiding unwinding can have performance and code size wins.

Deprecation warnings

We introduced a new attribute for library authors: #[deprecated]. This attribute
allows you to tag an API with a deprecation warning, which users of their crate
will receive whenever they use the API, directing them to a replacement API.
Deprecation warnings have long been a part of the standard library, but thanks
to RFC 1270 they’re now usable ecosystem-wide.

New targets

We now publish standard library binaries for several new targets:


mipsel-unknown-linux-musl, and


The first two targets are particularly interesting from a cross-compilation
perspective; see the recent blog post on rustup for more details.

Compile time improvements

The time complexity of comparing variables for equivalence during
type unification is reduced from O(n!) to O(n). As a result, some programming
patterns compile much, much more quickly.

Rolling out use of specialization

This release sees some of the first use of specialization within the standard
library. Specialization, which is currently available only on nightly, allows
generic code to automatically be specialized based on more specific type

One example where this comes up in the standard library: conversion from a
string slice (&str) to an owned String. One method, to_string, comes from
a generic API which was previously relatively slow, while the custom to_owned
implementation provided better performance. Using specialization, these two
functions are now equivalent.

With this simple test of specialization under our belt, we have more performance
improvements on the way in upcoming releases.

Library stabilizations

About 80 library functions and methods are now stable in 1.9. The most major is
the std::panic module, described earlier, but there’s a lot more too:


TcpStream, TcpListener, and UdpSocket gained a number of methods for
configuring the connection.

SocketAddr and its variants gained set_ip() and set_port() conveniences.


BTreeSet and HashSet gained the take(), replace(), and get()
methods, which make it possible to recover ownership of the original key.

OsString gained a few methods, bringing it closer to parity with String.

Slices gained copy_from_slice(), a safe form of memcpy.


char gained the ability to decode into UTF-16.


Raw pointers gained as_ref() and as_mut(), which returns an Option<&T>,
translating null pointers into None.

ptr::{read,write}_volitile() allow for volatile reading and writing from a
raw pointer.

Finally, many of the types in libcore did not contain a Debug
implementation. This was fixed
in the 1.9 release.

See the detailed release notes for more.

Cargo features

There were two major changes to Cargo:

First, Cargo
can now be run concurrently.

Second, a new flag, RUSTFLAGS,
was added. This flag allows you
to specify arbitrary flags to be passed to rustc through an environment
variable, which is useful for packagers, for example.

See the detailed release notes for more.

Contributors to 1.9

We had 127 individuals contribute to 1.9. Thank you so much!

Aaron Turon

Abhishek Chanda

Adolfo Ochagavía

Aidan Hobson Sayers

Alan Somers

Alejandro Wainzinger

Aleksey Kladov

Alex Burka

Alex Crichton

Amanieu d'Antras

Andrea Canciani

Andreas Linz

Andrew Cantino

Andrew Horton

Andrew Paseltiner

Andrey Cherkashin

Angus Lees

Ariel Ben-Yehuda

Benjamin Herr

Björn Steinbrink

Brian Anderson

Brian Bowman

Christian Wesselhoeft

Christopher Serr

Corey Farwell

Craig M. Brandenburg

Cyryl Płotnicki-Chudyk

Daniel J Rollins

Dave Huseby

David AO Lozano

David Henningsson

Devon Hollowood

Dirk Gadsden

Doug Goldstein

Eduard Burtescu

Eduard-Mihai Burtescu

Eli Friedman

Emanuel Czirai

Erick Tryzelaar


Felix S. Klock II

Florian Berger

Geoff Catlin

Guillaume Gomez

Gökhan Karabulut

JP Sugarbroad

James Miller

Jeffrey Seyfried

John Talling

Jonas Schievink

Jonathan S

Jorge Aparicio

Joshua Holmer

Kai Noda

Kamal Marhubi


Kevin Brothaler

Kevin Butler

Manish Goregaokar

Markus Westerlind

Marvin Löbel

Masood Malekghassemi

Matt Brubeck

Michael Huynh

Michael Neumann

Michael Woerister



Nathan Kleyn

Nick Cameron

Niko Matsakis


Novotnik, Petr

Oliver Middleton

Oliver Schneider

Philipp Oppermann

Piotr Czarnecki


Richo Healey

Ruud van Asseldonk

Scott Olson

Sean McArthur

Sebastian Wicki

Seo Sanghyeon

Simon Sapin

Simonas Kazlauskas

Steve Klabnik

Steven Allen

Steven Fackler

Stu Black

Sébastien Marie

Tang Chenglong

Ted Horst


Tim Montague

Tim Neumann

Timon Van Overveldt

Tobias Bucher

Tobias Müller

Todd Lucas

Tom Tromey

Tshepang Lekhonkhobe

Ulrik Sverdrup

Vadim Petrochenkov

Valentin Lorentz

Varun Vats

Wang Xuerui

Wangshan Lu

York Xiang


















Валерий Лашманов

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