
This sweet little boy is perfect! If we could have, he would have stayed with us. He is so very loving, AWESOME with children, extremely playful and loves attention. He is ready to go and the last one from this litter looking for his forever home!. His father is a stunning pure white bi eyed sweetheart; his mother is a gorgeous black/grey agouti. He is sure to throw beautiful agouti pups of his own!![br] For loads more pictures and info visit our site on Facebook. Wholaver's Huskies http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wholavers-Huskies/202334779896091.......

Our dogs are carefully chosen for their temperaments and personality as well as their great looks. Though we do not breed specifically for any eye color. All three of our adults are AKC registered and each one of our puppies we adopt out will also come with AKC registration.

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