
New submitter
Xochil writes:
AdBlock Plus has successfully defended itself in court for the second time in five weeks. The Munich Regional Court ruled against media companies ProSiebenSat1 and IP Deutschland. The companies sued Eyeo, the company behind Adblock Plus, asking the court to ban the distribution of the free ad-blocking software, saying it hurts their ad-based business model. An Eyeo release says in part: "We are elated at the decision reached today by the Munich court, which is another win for every internet user. It confirms each individual’s right to block annoying ads, protect their privacy and, by extension, determine his or her own internet experience. This time it also confirms the legitimacy of our Acceptable Ads initiative as a compromise in the often contentious and rarely progressive world of online advertising."

Re:Out of curiosity

By Coren22

2015-May-27 15:50

• Score: 5, Insightful
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7. No more video ads
8. Quite autoplaying
9. No audio ads overwhelming me when I am trying to read a text website

Re:Love it

By Frobnicator

2015-May-27 15:58

• Score: 5, Informative
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As this is the forth lawsuit, it may just be Eyeo that goes out of business due to the lawyer fees.

Germany is one of several nations that adopted a "loser pays" civil litigation model. I think they recovered all legal costs in another case, but don't recall which one and don't feel like looking it up.

The ruling likely specifies that ProSiebenSat1 and IP Deutschland are liable for all or nearly all of the costs in this case, and Eyeo is likely have only the cost of their time.

death to bandwidth hogs!

By Presto Vivace

2015-May-27 16:30

• Score: 3
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people would not use adblock if advertising did not suck up so much bandwidth.

Re:Out of curiosity

By Darinbob

2015-May-27 16:37

• Score: 4, Insightful
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Adblock is used as a self defense mechanism. If we keep getting punched in the face then we're going to start wearing head protection, no matter how much someone whines that they make their living by punching me in the face.

If your livelihood depends upon annoying your customers, or even harming them, then you need a better job. If it's just a hobby then stop demanding that we pay for it.

Seriously, who is the freeloader, me for protecting my computer and my bandwidth, or the advertisers who use my bandwidth without permission and sites who offer up any ads without testing for malware first? Try living for a month on dialup only or pay per megabyte, then see how much you learn to hate advertisers.

- Treat your viewers and customers with respect
- Be responsible
- Stop tracking viewers
- Stop stealing their bandwidth.
- Provide the ads from your own server, not from a third party provider that you have no control over.
- Stop annoying users with ugly crap, stupid animations, pop ups, pop unders, blaring sound, etc.
- No videos!
- Provide relevant ads
- Stop sending out malware - if you do not vet your ads then you are at fault if malware gets through.

If you have an advertisement that you feel is appropriate, then submit it to adblock and see if it gets on their whitelist.

Re:"Annoying ads"

By Firethorn

2015-May-27 16:38

• Score: 5, Interesting
• Thread

Personally, I allow the adblock allowed ads. Not many sites use them.

Sites I frequent that give me the 'Please disable your adblocker' I tend to respond with(and yes, I've used their forum/webmaster address to do this) 'Then use adblocker approved ads'.

After about the 3rd time the ad sites tried to serve me malware it became more about protecting my computer than anything else. The fact that many sites are unusable to the point that I wonder if their web-admin is even testing the sites without an ad blocker doesn't help.

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