
waderoush (1271548) writes
"A blog post at OLPC News last week went viral with the claim that the nine-year-old One Laptop Per Child project is dead. Media outlets quickly controverted the assertion, but the response from the OLPC Association itself was brief, saying that its mission is 'far from over' and citing ongoing projects to distribute laptops in Central America. In a more lengthy Q&A this week, OLPC chairman and CEO Rodrigo Arboleda says the organization has achieved many of its goals, including demonstrating the value of the 'Constructionist' 1:1 learning philosophy originally espoused by Negroponte. With 2.5 million laptops distributed so far, the OLPC vision is 'on track to being fully realized,' Arboleda says. He sees 'commercial greed' and a 'status-quo mentality' within ministries of education and teachers' unions as the main hurdles holding back faster progress."

Your choice of manager speak:

By nitehawk214

2014-Mar-20 14:55

• Score: 5, Funny
• Thread

1. "Has Achieved Its Goals" == "on track to being fully realized"
2. "Mission Accomplished" Redefine goals to state what has already been done, declare victory, forget about the rest. (banner and photo-op on aircraft carrier optional)

How many...

By MrEricSir

2014-Mar-20 14:58

• Score: 3
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How many of those 2.5 million laptops still work? Most of the OLPC laptops I saw at trade shows were broken.

Goal reached!

By kipsate

2014-Mar-20 15:47

• Score: 3
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Boy did they reach their goal. There's now 2.5 million OLPCs for each child that actually wants one.

Yeah, No

By mccoma

2014-Mar-20 16:00

• Score: 3
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The 8-bit generation of under $200 computers did more to teach programming than OLPC has ever done. OLPC is a nifty government contractor and nothing more. Sinclair did more for programming than OLPC.

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