
rjmarvin writes
"The Apache Software Foundation announced that Spark, the open-source cluster-computing framework for Big Data analysis has graduated from the Apache Incubator to a top-level project. A project management committee will guide the project's day-to-day operations, and Databricks cofounder Matei Zaharia will be appointed VP of Apache Spark. Spark runs programs 100x faster than Apache Hadoop MapReduce in memory, and it provides APIs that enable developers to rapidly develop applications in Java, Python or Scala, according to the ASF."

And Tachyon boosts Spark another 2-8x

By michaelmalak

2014-Mar-1 10:15

• Score: 3
• Thread

Spark runs programs 100x faster than Apache Hadoop MapReduce in memory

And Tachyon, another component of Matei's Berkeley Data Analytics Stack, boosts Spark another factor of 2-8x by sidestepping JVM garbage collection issues.

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