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"Look how much work he's been doing for America! But don't look too close."

Between Donald Trump's press conference and Rex Tillerson's confirmation hearing, Wednesday was a big day for the incoming administration.

"Yesterday's press conference was also a scary glimpse into the future of what we might be able to expect from a Donald Trump presidency," "Daily Show" host Trevor Noah opened on Thursday. "And let's start by looking at the spectacle, which is all Trump wanted us to be looking at."

"Before we start, I want to bring your attention to a few points on the report that was published in BuzzFeed last night," Trump began, referring to the Russian dossier detailing unverified allegations. Trump went on to call CNN "fake news" for reporting on the dossier and BuzzFeed, which published its contents, "a failing pile of garbage."

Ironically, Trump made this announcement while standing beside his own failing pile of garbage.

"Trump shared the stage with what can only be described as 'manila mountain,'" Noah mused at the stacks of paper used as press conference props. "What is he doing there? It looks like a police chief showing off a homework drug bust!"

Or as Trump described "just some of the many documents I have signed turning over complete and total control to my sons."

While the stacks were arguably more impressive than the steaks, it didn't take much effort to deconstruct the scene.

"Look how much work he's been doing for America! But don't look too close," Noah warned. "Because if you do, you may seem to notice things.

"For instance, the paper inside the folders doesn't look like weeks of contracts, it looks brand new," the host pointed out. "Yea, and I know some of you might be hating... But you tell me. If you had real folders of real business, you were really doing, wouldn't you at least have labels on them."

"Come on, Donald," Noah continued, exasperated. "At this point it's not even about the lie, man, it's about the lack of respect. Just take, like, two seconds to write down a fake label.. just be like 'Conflict Stuff,' we don't care!"

And as for lying, Trump's handing his private business over to his sons, is hardly eliminating conflicts of interest. In fact, the head of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Walter Shaub heavily criticized Trump's unprecedented and “wholly inadequate” plan in a speech he delivered at the Brookings Institute the same day.

"My two sons, who are right here, Don and Eric, are going to be running the company," Trump insisted. "They are going to be running it in a very professional manner...They’re not going to discuss it with me.”

“They’re not going to discuss it with you for eight years?” Noah asked incredulously. “What if the only reason Trump ran for president was so that he wouldn’t have to talk to his sons for four years? Maybe that’s the entire reason.”


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