
solar power on the hand of women

Recently were announced all the results of the survey initiated by Glenna Wiseman, Director of Marketing at HelioPower and Raina Russo, founder and moderator at #SolarChat and co-founder at Women4Solar. The survey called “Shining a Solar Marketing Light on Women” identified women as the most decisive factor in the process of choosing solar in most of the residential houses across the country.

As competition rises in the residential solar market and its purpose is to decrease soft prices like client acquisition, it’s coming to be even more vital to better understand what is happening on the market. As we said before, women turned to be a very important factor that helps to develop this type of market.

Marti Barletta, a leading specialist in marketing to women, said that women are usually the initiators of at least 80% of all the house improvement projects. This is mostly happening because women as controllers of the household budget become the Chief Purchasing Officers in the house.

Identity, a solar and sustainability communication company owned by women, was the promoter of this national survey and targeted American mothers and other women owned houses to give details about their main reasons for considering solar and also their preferences regarding the solar market.

#SolarChat founder and moderator Raina Russo and solar marketing expert Glenna Wiseman, as creators of the survey, revealed that they joined forces as partners in a new project called Identity3, to further sustain the Women4Solar initiative birthed from this engaging data.

Wiseman and Russo worked along with a team of solar industry specialists, famous mom blog owners, and leading brand name marketing experts to advertise the survey over the most significant social networks, gathering 270 feedbacks from 34 US states.

The survey contained a total number of 20 questions, representing all five buying stages experienced by women and detailed by Marti Barletta. All the information collected through these five stages have been proven to be very educative for both the marketing and the sales departments in the solar industry sector.

What the survey found?

The survey found that women are the decisive force behind the solar acquisition. About 90% of the women that answered the survey shared that they would make or take part in the decision to go solar in their house, and they additionally have the tendency to be the ones that trigger the discussion about solar power options and do the necessary research.

At question 12: “Who would ultimately make the decision on which solar company to contract with?” the answers were the following.

70.56% answered “Both of us”;

27.42% answered “Me”;

and only 2.02% answered “My husband”;

However, the survey proved that the solar market does not speak their language when it comes about comprehension of their questions and expectations. The strategies used to approach women in this industry are not very well tuned to their listening frequencies. This can only mean that maybe more women are needed in the solar industry and market area because as we know only a woman can understand what other women expect, because they are both from Venus and men from … Mars, right?

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