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Visual attention to the periphery is enhanced in congenitally deaf individuals.
[J Neurosci. 2000]
Attention to central and peripheral visual space in a movement detection task: an event-related potential and behavioral study. II. Congenitally deaf adults.
[Brain Res. 1987]
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Testing comprehension abilities in users of British Sign Language following CVA.
[Brain Lang. 2005]
Role of the left hemisphere in sign language comprehension.
[Brain Lang. 2002]
A case of 'sign blindness' following left occipital damage in a deaf signer.
[Neuropsychologia. 1995]
Sign language aphasia due to left occipital lesion in a deaf signer.
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Sign language aphasia due to left occipital lesion in a deaf signer.
[Neurology. 2007]
The role of area 17 in visual imagery: convergent evidence from PET and rTMS.
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Functional anatomy of inner speech and auditory verbal imagery.
[Psychol Med. 1996]
Neuroplasticity associated with tactile language communication in a deaf-blind subject.
[Front Hum Neurosci. 2010]
Review Multisensory integration: current issues from the perspective of the single neuron.
[Nat Rev Neurosci. 2008]
Review Compensatory plasticity and sensory substitution in the cerebral cortex.
[Trends Neurosci. 1995]
Review Cross-modal plasticity: where and how?
[Nat Rev Neurosci. 2002]
Review Anatomical mechanisms and functional implications of multisensory convergence in early cortical processing.
[Int J Psychophysiol. 2003]
Auditory localization behaviour in visually deprived cats.
[Eur J Neurosci. 1994]
Improved auditory spatial acuity in visually deprived ferrets.
[Eur J Neurosci. 1999]
Auditory compensation for early blindness in cat cerebral cortex.
[J Neurosci. 1993]
Auditory spatial tuning of cortical neurons is sharpened in cats with early blindness.
[J Neurophysiol. 1993]
The development of cortical multisensory integration.
[J Neurosci. 2006]
Early experience determines how the senses will interact.
[J Neurophysiol. 2007]
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Review Auditory cortical plasticity: a comparison with other sensory systems.
[Trends Neurosci. 1999]
Review Dynamic regulation of receptive fields and maps in the adult sensory cortex.
[Annu Rev Neurosci. 1995]
Absence of cross-modal reorganization in the primary auditory cortex of congenitally deaf cats.
[Exp Brain Res. 2003]
Review Unimodal and cross-modal plasticity in the 'deaf' auditory cortex.
[Int J Audiol. 2007]
Review Unraveling the principles of auditory cortical processing: can we learn from the visual system?
[Nat Neurosci. 2009]
Auditory cortex projections target the peripheral field representation of primary visual cortex.
[Exp Brain Res. 2008]
Anatomical evidence of multimodal integration in primate striate cortex.
[J Neurosci. 2002]
Multisensory convergence in calcarine visual areas in macaque monkey.
[Int J Psychophysiol. 2003]
Heteromodal connections supporting multisensory integration at low levels of cortical processing in the monkey.
[Eur J Neurosci. 2005]
Visuo-auditory interactions in the primary visual cortex of the behaving monkey: electrophysiological evidence.
[BMC Neurosci. 2008]
Auditory cortical neurons respond to somatosensory stimulation.
[J Neurosci. 2003]
Functional connectivity between somatosensory and visual cortex in early blind humans.
[Eur J Neurosci. 2004]
Feeling by sight or seeing by touch?
[Neuron. 2004]
Involvement of visual cortex in tactile discrimination of orientation.
[Nature. 1999]
Rapid and reversible recruitment of early visual cortex for touch.
[PLoS One. 2008]
Review The plastic human brain cortex.
[Annu Rev Neurosci. 2005]
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Review Critical period plasticity in local cortical circuits.
[Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005]
Period of susceptibility for cross-modal plasticity in the blind.
[Ann Neurol. 1999]
Critical period for cross-modal plasticity in blind humans: a functional MRI study.
[Neuroimage. 2002]
Review The plastic human brain cortex.
[Annu Rev Neurosci. 2005]
Adaptive changes in early and late blind: a fMRI study of Braille reading.
[J Neurophysiol. 2002]
Early- and late-onset blind individuals show supra-normal auditory abilities in far-space.
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Auditory spatial tuning in late-onset blindness in humans.
[J Cogn Neurosci. 2006]
Review Is there a critical period for cochlear implantation in congenitally deaf children? Analyses of hearing and speech perception performance after implantation.
[Dev Psychobiol. 2005]
What can be expected from a late cochlear implantation?
[Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2009]
Intensive training in adults refines A1 representations degraded in an early postnatal critical period.
[Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007]
Developmentally degraded cortical temporal processing restored by training.
[Nat Neurosci. 2009]
Blind Braille readers mislocate tactile stimuli.
[Biol Psychol. 2003]
Functional relevance of cross-modal plasticity in blind humans.
[Nature. 1997]
TMS of the occipital cortex induces tactile sensations in the fingers of blind Braille readers.
[Exp Brain Res. 2008]
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the visual cortex induces somatotopically organized qualia in blind subjects.
[Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006]
Seeing after blindness.
[Nat Neurosci. 2003]
Visual function before and after the removal of bilateral congenital cataracts in adulthood.
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Visual Motion Area MT+/V5 Responds to Auditory Motion in Human Sight-Recovery Subjects.
[J Neurosci. 2008]
Visual neuroscience: look and learn.
[Nature. 2006]
Vision following extended congenital blindness.
[Psychol Sci. 2006]
Is visual selective attention in deaf individuals enhanced or deficient? The case of the useful field of view.
[PLoS One. 2009]
Review Do deaf individuals see better?
[Trends Cogn Sci. 2006]
Review Predicting cochlear implant outcome from brain organisation in the deaf.
[Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2007]
Cross-modal plasticity and cochlear implants.
[Nature. 2001]
Cross-modal plasticity underpins language recovery after cochlear implantation.
[Neuron. 2001]
Evidence that cochlear-implanted deaf patients are better multisensory integrators.
[Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007]
Visual stimuli can impair auditory processing in cochlear implant users.
[Neuropsychologia. 2009]
Review What blindness can tell us about seeing again: merging neuroplasticity and neuroprostheses.
[Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005]
Review The plastic human brain cortex.
[Annu Rev Neurosci. 2005]
Review The plastic human brain cortex.
[Annu Rev Neurosci. 2005]
Review Experience-dependent plasticity mechanisms for neural rehabilitation in somatosensory cortex.
[Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2009]
Review Psychosocial adaptations to dual sensory loss in middle and late adulthood.
[Trends Amplif. 2007]
Review Do deaf individuals see better?
[Trends Cogn Sci. 2006]
Early-blind human subjects localize sound sources better than sighted subjects.
[Nature. 1998]
Tactile acuity in the blind: a closer look reveals superiority over the sighted in some but not all cutaneous tasks.
[Neuropsychologia. 2009]
Alexia for Braille following bilateral occipital stroke in an early blind woman.
[Neuroreport. 2000]
Comparing the effects of auditory deprivation and sign language within the auditory and visual cortex.
[J Cogn Neurosci. 2005]
Visual stimuli activate auditory cortex in deaf subjects: evidence from MEG.
[Neuroreport. 2003]
See more ...
Is visual selective attention in deaf individuals enhanced or deficient? The case of the useful field of view.
[PLoS One. 2009]
Review Do deaf individuals see better?
[Trends Cogn Sci. 2006]
Review Cross-modal plasticity for the spatial processing of sounds in visually deprived subjects.
[Exp Brain Res. 2009]
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