This is one of the most insightful videos I have seen with regard to Cancer and a lot of other conditions.
"You have cancer" is something you NEVER want to hear from your doctor . . . because it means a world of suffering, and, for too many, death.
But here's SHOCKING news — most people have cancer in their bodies right now and don't even know it!
That's because a healthy body and a strong immune system destroy emerging cancer cells before they can create the life-threatening disease . . .
But some people are not so lucky.Dr. David Brownstein
Sadly, over 5,000 people in North America are diagnosed with cancer every single day — almost 2 million per year!
And that's why we're thrilled at Newsmax Health today to bring you an extraordinary presentation — How to Prevent Cancer — by America's foremost holistic health practitioner, Dr. David Brownstein.
In the next few moments, Dr. Brownstein will reveal five warning signs that you are at risk for cancer. You'll be surprised at just how common these are.
Prevention is more important than ever before because, as Dr. Brownstein will tell you . . .
Contrary to cancer industry propaganda, we are NOT winning the war on cancer. Conventional cancer treatments are failing. And overall death rates for cancer are unchanged in 80 years!
How to Prevent Cancer
By Dr. David Brownstein
Dr. David BrownsteinHello, I'm Dr. David Brownstein.
My goal is to empower you to take charge of your health, and not become a cancer victim because of a lack of this basic cancer-prevention knowledge.
Why listen to me on this subject?
I'm a U.S.-trained medical doctor with a private practice in West Bloomfield, Mich. I have had tremendous success restoring the health of patients who have come to me after conventional medicine has failed them.
And what's particularly interesting about that is . . .
Routinely, I find my new patients have key nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances, usually as a result of eating the Standard American Diet. I refer to it as the SAD diet. This diet can predispose you to many nutrient and hormonal imbalances and leads to a devitalized body.
I find they have been exposed to an overload of environmental toxins in food, water, air, and consumer products, and these exposures are suppressing and disrupting their immune systems.
What's more . . .
Their bodies have been damaged by harmful and unnecessary drugs.
And finally, they've been misinformed by the government, the media, and most egregiously, by a medical establishment controlled by the pharmaceutical industry.
The human body is a wonderful machine, but all of its millions of cells must function together harmoniously, and not be inhibited, harmed, or thrown into chaos. If they are, it sets the stage for chronic illnesses such as cancer to develop.
You see, in order to significantly lower your risk of getting cancer, it is important to have your immune system function at optimal levels. That's what I'm going to show you today.
How to Prevent CancerAnd don't worry about taking notes because, just ahead, I'll show you a special offer to get a FREE copy of my report, How to Prevent Cancer, whichincludes everything we're discussing today and much more.
Let's begin with some facts the "Cancer Industrial Medical Complex" doesn't want you to know . . .
In North America, it is projected that one in three people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. In fact, we expect to see 1,825,400 new cases of cancer this year, and, sadly, a large percentage of these people will die from it.
Each year, I receive the annual report from CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, a summary of cancer statistics in the United States dating back to 1930.
The most shocking chart shows the annual age-adjusted cancer death rates among men and women, and the sad truth is . . .
Cancer death rates are mostly
unchanged in 80 years!
Surprised? Most people are. All the drug industry propaganda claims that we're making real progress in the war against cancer. But look at the facts . . .
For males, since 1930, the only bright spot has been the decline in deaths for stomach cancer. The death rate for colon cancer is unchanged . . . for prostate cancer it's increased . . . and for lung cancer it's significantly increased.
For women, while the death rates for colon, uterine, and stomach cancer have declined slightly, the rates are essentially unchanged for breast cancer, and they've dramatically increased for lung and ovarian cancers.
For both men and women, the rates for thyroid cancer are rising at epidemic rates.
Also consider that, right now, nearly one in seven women is expected to get breast cancer and one in three men is expected to get prostate cancer. And, as I previously stated, worst of all . . .
One in three among the entire population is expected to get some kind of cancer during his or her lifetime.
That's a frightening report with bad odds.
Meanwhile . . .
Conventional medicine would have you believe that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are effective treatments for cancer. But nothing could be further from the truth.
The "Cancer Industrial Medical Complex" has wasted 80 years and an untold fortune on research aimed at killing cancer once it has been detected. But once cancer is detected, it is often too late for many patients.
Meanwhile, almost no money has been spent on research for cancer prevention, or even searching for the underlying causes of cancer.
And I can assure you doctors are not taught anything about this in medical school.
Just ahead, I'll show you How to Prevent Cancer, which is now more important than ever before, considering conventional cancer treatments are failing and the death rates continue unabated . . .
There is one aspect of the "cancer treatment story" that is an unqualified success — and that's the cancer industry's billion-dollar profits.
Keep in mind that chemo drugs can cost $10,000, $20,000, even $30,000 a month. The treatment costs for just the top six cancers have topped $56 billion annually, and total cancer care now exceeds $110 billion annually.
Regardless of how you view that, a very serious problem with cancer drugs has come to light . . .
A recent study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle startled its researchers when . . .
They discovered that chemotherapy causes healthy cells to "secrete a protein that sustains cancer tumor growth" and creates resistance to further treatment.
This explains why chemotherapy initially appears successful, only to prove ineffective when the cancer returns, often with a vengeance.
Likewise, surgery and radiation might remove or kill some cancer cells, but it's impossible to get them all, and the remaining cells are left to multiply and spread.
Let me be blunt about this . . .
Cancer is not caused by a deficiency of chemotherapy. There are underlying causes that are NOT being addressed by conventional medicine.
And that's why in the next few minutes, and in even greater detail in my special report, How to Prevent Cancer, I'm going to show you . . .
How to avoid the things that are known to cause cancer.
How to make it difficult for cancer to get started and grow.
How to help your body naturally kill cancer cells.
How to Prevent Cancer
Although we're not sure exactly why, we know the cancer process: An abnormal group of cells fail to complete their normal life cycle and die on schedule. Instead, they live on, multiply and spread.
And this is very important to understand — a healthy cell has a predetermined life cycle. It divides several times and then dies. Cell death is called apoptosis. Healthy cells eventually experience apoptosis and are replaced by new cells. That's normal.
Cancer is an abnormal cell that keeps dividing, skipping the necessary step of apoptosis. And as it multiplies, it forms a tumor, and then parts of it break off and spread and metastasize throughout the body.
Cancer patients die by starvation when there is too much cancer in the body and it consumes all of the body's fuel.
The only difference between a healthy person who never gets a cancer diagnosis and a sick person who does . . . is that the former has a healthy body and strong immune system, while the latter does not.
Do you know how strong your immune system is? Is it strong enough to ward off cancer?
With this in mind, the goal for any cancer prevention or treatment program is to avoid those things known to cause cancer, and to create the healthiest possible body with an optimally functioning immune system.
And that's exactly what I'm going to show you today.
With one in three people expected to get some kind of cancer in their lifetime, heeding my advice could mean the difference between life and death.
Here are the five signs you're likely to be diagnosed with cancer in your lifetime . . .
Your body, and in particular your immune system, cannot function at optimal levels if . . .
You are deficient or imbalanced in key nutrients and hormones.
You are overweight or obese.
You smoke or chew tobacco.
You eat too many refined sugars and grains.
You're ingesting toxins in your food, water, air, and medicines.