
When it's the season of celebrations, especially the winter ones', what pops up even before we think of the festival or the occasion is "What 'm I gonna wear?" Yes, this is one important agenda whichever the celebration is! But, with X'Mas and New Year plans already set, it's time to take a look at the fashionable winter dresses that most of the brands are offering this season.

Marks and Spencer is Known for It's
Elegant Formal Dresses...

Time time, we decided to review Marks and Spencer , which is one of the most sort after brand midst women, be it working or homemaker. The brand sure doesn't need any intro as it has been India for quite some time, and has recently gone into the expansion mode. Women, all over the world, as far as we know have always liked the brand for it's styles, for it's fit, and above all for the ample sizes that it offers. A woman doesn't need to be size 6 to fit in an M&S attire!

So, what did we review? Well, considering the season and the occasion, we tried their winter collection. It is interesting to see that the brand has unveiled some splendid cuts, styles, innovations, and colourplay with various textures. Take a look at what we tried...

This One has a Stunning Fit & Comfort!

The first one, was an obvious choice - a Formal Sheath Dress! A woman's wardrobe ought to have a Sheath dress. Sheath is a close fitted dress, unlike cocktail. Now, if you are thinking that you need to be a working woman for it, then that's a myth. A nice knee-length formal dress, in any neutral colour, or vibrant colour makes a perfect choice for celebrations. The brand has some beautiful dresses for this occasion, though we preferred trying something that's more on a formal side, sans bling. What we liked about their dresses is the way it fits and clings to your body. This one that we tried was a size '12', with a visible belly that is so well taken care by the dress itself!
This is just one example, you can try something else like an Empire line, or a straight cut with a flare towards the bottom, for a change, if you are not comfortable with too much of intimacy with your dress... Take a look at this piece, this will sure do the needful!

For a Fun-ful Wardrobe...

Next in the try and test was a fun attire that had a touch of innovation. If you are wondering for the animal print, it's still very much an in thing. So, what we tried here was a snug pullover along with Heat-gen animal print leggings. It was a comfort wear, making a perfect choice for an evening get-together with friends. The heat-gen technology is all about making you feel warm, sans any thermals. Though, the innovation part in the leggings was beyond comprehension, as the material had acrylic as the major component.
We decided to combine the dress with the brand's bold winter boots. Now, that's sure a must-have this season from Marks and Spencer. Not much of choice is available in boots, in terms of style and colour. But you can sure go for these!

Must-have This Season...

We tried one more dress for our third look, but we won't bore you with it's detailing, so let's shift our focus straight to winter must-haves now. We love coats, they look smart, they look chic, and they make up look confident and domineering in our professions. And that's probably the reason the brand this season is spoiling you for choices. Visit any M&S store this season, and you will find some great variety of coats, in bespoke sizes, shapes, colours, and cuts. They are simply amazing.

What's the add on? Take a  look at the picture (right), go ahead if you can carry it this celebration season...

What We Liked
We truly loved their winter collection, especially the dresses, the skirts with some beautiful woolen textures. Our pick for this season is sure gonna be the dress!

What We Observed
Some of you might find a few things over-priced, but then it's always up to you to combine and select things that are in your budget. But, we would still suggest to not cut on your coats budget as whatever the price tag is.. 'You' sure are worth it!!

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