I think every weekend should be long, not just Bank Holiday weekends...
I started writing this post on Bank holiday Monday to share with Harvest Monday, I never got round to it. but here is it a cobbled together with some pictures from the garden plot.
Invasive mint below the unproductive apple and pear tree. Unproductive because we have never harvested a single apple or pear in the two - three years we have been living here. D won't dig them out as he wants to keep it for the birds, but one of them will have to go.
And if you wade your way through the jungle of mint, hidden amongst it you will find some strawberries flowering.
I have harvested the last of the bolted Rainbow Chard (which reminds me I need to sow some seeds, it my favourite leafy green to grow).
And the last of the Purple Sprouting Broccoli.
Some progress - look no weeds. And if you look closely at the back. D has finally with the help of my nephews put up some fencing to stop the neighbours dog plundering into our garden for its daily crap. I am happy to have my garden back.
Slowly getting there, another patch done. The only bits that are not done. Is right at the back, where the plum tree and raspberry canes are growing; and the patch where we had climbing beans growing. Any suggestions what I can stick in the ground? Can I still do potatoes for example?
Burned lots of weeds.
While I dug the earth, D cleared between the paving slabs. The trellis at the back has lots of thorny roses. A week later, roses are blooming. I promise to showcase them next week.
He also cleared the green house, except there is nothing in there yet. We are still hoping to pick up some tomato plants.
The garden has progressed since the last time I participated in Harvest Monday, so I am joining in again with my chives, chard and last of the purple sprouting broccoli. Harvest Monday is hosted by Dave over Our Happy Acres. Please do come back next week when I will show you progress of what has gone into the ground that I have dug.