
COMMENTING on the report published today (3 March 2016) by the Cross Party Steering Group on Post Study Work – of which SCDI is a member – Ross Martin, chief executive  of SCDI, said:

“With the Scottish and UK Governments increasingly sharing responsibilities for economic levers in Scotland, they should develop a common economic platform in key areas, such as our working age population, and the reintroduction of a post study work route – as agreed by the Smith Commission – should be a priority for this agenda.

“The quality of Scotland’s educational institutions attracts highly-talented young people from around the world, and encouraging and enabling more of them to develop their talents in Scottish businesses will certainly increase growth in productivity, innovation and internationalisation – our key economic challenges – which will benefit us all.

“As the global economy is transformed at an accelerating rate by a fourth Industrial Revolution of emerging technologies, Scottish businesses need to be able to recruit key skills to compete successfully and we know that they greatly value people who are outward-looking and have the ability to work well with people from other parts of the world.”

The Post Study Work Steering Group Final Report can be found on The Scottish Government web from 3 March at: http://www.gov.scot/poststudyworksteeringgroupreport

In its recently-published report, *‘From Fragile to Agile: A Blueprint for Growth & Prosperity’, SCDI highlighted welcoming and retaining international talent as a key recommendation for internationalisation of the Scottish economy, including the reinstatement of Post Study Work Visas for international graduates in Scotland.

Furthermore, SCDI proposed that: “A plan to maximise the benefits of international students across the economy should be developed, with programmes to link them with businesses on a project/internship basis and school/ undergraduate students for cross-cultural exchange, attracting friends and families to visit Scotland, and develop stronger alumni links as ambassadors for Scotland and its products.”


Notes to editors:

About the Post Study Work Steering Group:

The purpose of the PSWS Group is:

To build on the Post Study Work Working Group: Report to Scottish Ministers and formulate more detailed proposals for how a post study work route should operate in Scotland.

To produce a set of final conclusions reflecting the views of the Group that can be presented to the UK Government for consideration.

Membership of the PSWS Group is:

Humza Yousaf MSP, Scottish Government Minister for Europe & International Development (Chair of Group)

Liz Smith MSP (Conservative)

Liam McArthur MSP (Liberal Democrat)

Claire Baker MSP (Labour)

John Finnie MSP (on behalf of the Green Party)

Institute of Directors (IoD)

Scottish Council for Development & Industry (SCDI)

Colleges Scotland

National Union of Students (NUS Scotland)

Scottish Universities International Group (SUIG)

Universities Scotland

UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)

Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)

Scottish Chambers of Commerce

(The following organisations also receive copies of meeting papers and have the opportunity to contribute to group discussions through officials: ScotlandIS / OPITO / Scottish Development International / Skills Development Scotland / Scottish Enterprise / University of Edinburgh / CBI Scotland  / Federation of Small Businesses).

SCDI (Scottish Council for Development & Industry) is Scotland’s leading independent economic development organisation working across the public, private and social economy sectors, representing 1,200 organisations including global corporate companies, SMEs, public sector bodies and educational institutions, professional associations and trade unions, faith groups, charitable and social economy sector organisations.

* The SCDI Blueprint Report ‘From Fragile to Agile’ can be accessed at this link: http://www.scdi.org.uk/images/document/PDFs-2015/SCDI-Blueprint2015-Report-FromFragileToAgile-071215.pdf

For further information, please contact:

Gareth Williams, director of policy, SCDI

E: gareth.williams@scdi.org.uk

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