Microsoft ASP.NET Mvc is a web application development framework built on mature .net framework.
Asp is a scripting language in which code and markup are authored together in a single file. Web Forms
It is a page based approach where each page on the website’s is represented in the form of a physical file called a webform.
WEB FORMS page provides separation of code and markup by splitting the web content into two different files
One for the markup
One for the code
WEB FORM APPROACH is an abstraction from the underlying HTML,JAVASCRIPT and CSS
ASP.Net MVC Architecture
MVC means Model ViewController. MVC pattern spilits into three layers that is model,view,controller.
It means the properties and behavior of a domain entity. Database is a collection of data that data retrieved from back end to front end through the models
View means transforming a model or models into a visual representation. ASP.NET webforms are here ( in MVC)called Views. Say in simple ,the VIEWS means DESIGN.
Step 1
Microsoft visual studio is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment)
(a) Open a Microsoft visual studio2013
(b) Select New Project from the Start page.Otherwise you can use menu(Select file ->new project).
Step 2
You can create applications using either Visual Basic or Visual C# as the programming language. Select Visual C# on the left and then select ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application. Name your project "MvcApplication1" and then click OK.
In the New ASP.NET MVC 4 Project dialog box, select Internet Application. Leave Razor as the default view engine.
The New ASP.NET MVC4 Project dialog box have project templates. The project templates are Empty, Basic, Internet Application, Intranet Application,Mobileapplication,Web API.
For good understanding I preferred to start with Empty project template.
Empty project template is basic ASP.NET MVC website generating no code and providing you with nothing to start with. Adding a Model, View.
That means user only add models and create views and generating code.
This template has the basic folders, CSS and basic MVC application structure. The difference between Empty and basic template is you only find content and scripts folders in basic template. This template is for experienced developers who can setup everything them self
The Internet Application project template extends the Basic template by adding a few basic controllers and views. Also it generates code and configuration that gives you full membership and authentication functionality.
The Internet Application extends Basic Template with two controllers( Account controller and Home controller) with all the logic and functionality implemented in actions and views. In this template membership management functionality gives the option to user to register and login, change password etc in the website.
It's a template used usually to start a normal web project in action.
Intranet application is practically empty web application with home controller and support for Windows authentication. As Windows authentication is optional choice when configuring web application you should do some manual configuring to get intranet application run.
As intranet application uses Windows authentication it doesn’t need sign-in, registering and password reminder forms. Also it does not need model classes for authentication. By all other parts the intranet application is the same as internet application.
This template is for creating the HTTP services. It is similar to the Internet Application template but without account management functions. This Web API functionality is also available for other MVC project templates and non-MVC project types.
Select Internet application from above dialog box .Then below page will be displayed.
1). Click controllers folder in SOLUTION EXPLORER.
2).They have AccountController.cs and we click on Accountcontroller or HomeController ,we will see below page
From below fig we will see how we run this page.
The homecontroller have three default VIEWS they are home,about,contact. Lets see the output while we select the internet application .The above fig is Home page of internet application template.It have register,login ,home,about,contact.The register and login page code manage by Accountcontroller.Home,About,Contact page codes are manage by HomeController.Now we see the code of the Home Page in InternetApplication.
The following page is displayed when We will click on About .simirarly we click contact the contact page will be displayed.
View Engine:
ASP.NET MVC support web form (aspx) and razor view engine. View engine is responsible for rendering the view into html form to the browser.
The name space for razor engine is System.Web.Razor
The name space for webform engine is System.Web.Mvc.WebForm and it is depend on System.Web.UI.PageClass .
Package manager NuGet:
NuGet is a package manager tool that allows open-source libraries to quickly
and easily be added to any .NET project.AlthoughNuGet is not tied to ASP.NET
MVC projects, it does ship as part of the ASP.NET MVC installer so you can start
using it right away without having to perform a separate install. This functionality is found in a package called EntityFramework. SqlServerCompact, which can be
installed by right-clicking on the References node within the project.
Search bootstrap and jquery packages and install it.
How it works
Adding a model:
1).Install sqlserver2008.
2)open sqlserver2008 ,then view the following page and click connect.
Create database:
1. Right click on database and click new database
After creating database(guestbookdatabase),we need create table.
1.First expand guestbookdatase.That shown following
Create columns in table and set primary key to id column because we need unique identification for all data.
Then click(ctrl+s) for save a table.
Right click on Tables and Choose edit with top20 rows.
Through the following fig,we will see data’s in a table. And also
Now we go to front end(visual studio2013).
How to add model
The entities are retrieve from database through model then click rebuild.
Creating controller
The Add Controller dialog box provides the ability to customize the controller—
the Template dropdown allows you to select whether you want the controller to be generated as an empty class (the default option), or whether you want some common
scenarios to be automatically generated for you. Two of the several options are
Controller with Read/Write Actions and Views—This option will generate controller
action methods and views that provide simple CRUD (create, read, update, delete)
screens using Entity Framework (which we’ll discuss in more detail in a moment).
Controller with Empty Read/Write Actions—This option will generate controller
actions for CRUD scenarios, but without generating any views or using any particular
data access technology.
We’ll use the default Empty Controller template for now.
After you click the Add button, the new controller will be opened in the Visual Studio Editor.
Now we want to adding (eg).create action to this controller.
public class GuestbookController : Controller
publicActionResult Create()
return View();
Then move cursor to create word in above controller code and rightclick on that word.then open dialog box and click addview.
Selecting a view to render
A view is rendered by calling the View method from within a controller action. The Create action in our GuestbookControllershows this
publicActionResult Create()
return View();
In this case, the Views/Guestbook/Create.cshtml view file is rendered. But how does the MVC Framework know to render this particular view rather than one of the other views in the application (such as Index.cshtml)?Calling the View method returns a ViewResultobject that knows how to render a particular view. When
this method is called with no arguments, the framework infers that the name of the view to render should be the same as the name of the action (Create). Later in the MVC pipeline, the framework’s ControllerActionInvokerclass executes the ViewResultand tells it to render the view. At this point, the framework asks the ViewEngineCollectionto locate the appropriate view for rendering. (As you’ve already seen back in chapter 2, by default the view engine will look for views
within the Views/<Controller Name> directory and the Views/Shared directory).
Complete above process then automatically addcreate View(create.cshtml) to VIEWS IN SOLUTION EXPOLORER
All views are controlled by controller.And also we can create more controllers.
Example for view
ViewBag.Title = "Add new entry";
<h2>Add new entry</h2>
<form method="post" action="">
Please enter your name: <br />
<input type="text" name="Name" maxlength="200" />
<br /><br />
Please enter your message: <br />
<textarea name="Message" rows="10" cols="40">
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit Entry" />
The App_Data directory can be used to store databases, XML files, or any other datathat your application needs. The ASP.NET runtime understands this special directory
and will prevent users from accessing files in it directly. Only your application can
read and write to this directory.
The purpose of the Content directory is to contain any noncode assets that need to be
deployed with your application. These typically include images and CSS files(stylesheets). By default, the Content directory contains the defaultstylesheetused by the project(Site.css) as well as a themes subdirectory that contains images and CSS for use with jQuery UI.
Remembering back to chapter 1, the controller is the coordinator that is responsible for processing input and then deciding which actions
should be performed (such as rendering a view).In ASP.NET MVC, controllers are represented as classes within the Controllers directory. By
default, this directory contains two controllers the HomeController(which handles requests for your home page) and the AccountController
(which handles authentication). We’ll look again at controllers in section 2.2.3.
The Models directory is typically used to contain any classes that represent the core concepts of your application, or classes that hold data in a
format that is specific to a particular view (a view model). As your applications get larger, you maydecide that you wish to move these classes into a
separate project, but keeping them in the Models directory is a good starting point for small projects. The default project contains a single
file in this directory—AccountModels.cs. It contains several classes related to authentication that are used by the default project template.
The Scripts directory is where you can place any JavaScript files used by your application.
The default project template contains quite a lot of files in this directory, including
the popular open-source jQuery library (which we’ll explore in chapter 7) and
scripts used for performing client-side validation.
The Views directory contains the templates used to render your user interface. Each of these templates is represented as a Razor view (a .cshtml or .vbhtml file) within a subdirectory named after the controller responsible for rendering that view.
The Global.asax file lives in the root of the project structure and contains initialization
code that runs when the application is first started up, such as code that registers
routes .
The Web.configfile also lives in the root of the application and contains configuration details necessary for ASP.NET MVC to run correctly.
Now that you’ve seen a high-level overview of the different files in the default projecttemplate, we’ll explore in more detail how the core concepts of controllers, actions, and views interact with one another.