
This is a forum like classifieds section for selling all of those unwanted Mustang parts laying around in your garage. We will do anything in our power to make the transaction of moving your unwanted parts into useful hands wherever possible. If this isn't the best FMC on Facebook, please PM an admin and we will do whatever it takes to make this an even better site!

****Failure to comply to the rules will result in being banned from the group.****

I'm doing this to try to keep some kind of order in this as I'll be expecting SEVERAL members.

***Post must have this at the beginning***
(these must be the first characters of each post) ***DON'T FORGET COLONS!***
For Sale: or FS:
For Trade: or FT:
Want to trade: or WTT:
Want to Buy: or WTB:
Services offered: or SO:



(DESKTOP VERSION)To get to your corresponding album by year, go to the groups main page. Look for the "Photos" tab. Go to the "Photos" tab, click on your corresponding album, then click "Add Photos" in the top right of your screen.

(MOBILE VERSION)There is currently not a way to post. If you know of a way to do this via mobile, please PM an admin to correct this issue.

DO NOT make your own photo album/category. Please email the group admin to suggest a new photo album category. All suggestions will be considered.

***REQUIRED***Please post a photo of the item you wish to sell, along with your asking price and any details about the item, including which post/town the item is located. Photos tend to eliminate the guessing game and makes for a quicker shopping experience for the buyers and sellers.

Delete your pictures after the item has been sold, failure to do so will result in a group suspension. I don't find it fair to use this site to sell your things, make some money, then leave the mess behind once the item has been sold. Please clean up after yourself!

"BUMP"ing is prohibited. Members are allowed to bump by reducing price. This is the only way. Members are required to follow this rule and failure to comply will result in FIRST OFFENSE = warning, SECOND OFFENSE = suspended, THIRD OFFENSE = banned from the group! If anyone has an issue regarding this rule, please contact an admin and we will try to resolve the matter! Thanks!

Please do not post your building/apartment # home address, phone numbers or use any names. This is for the safety of you and your family. If you wish to give phone numbers or addresses out, please do so in a private message ONLY.

When adding a description to you photo, please include price, item condition and location of item, along with the specified time frame willing to hold the item.

Profanity is prohibited. If it is absolutely necessary, use (******)

Harassment/rude comments will not be tolerated. We are all adults, so please act like one. Be courteous of other members. Rude and out of line postings will be deleted and the offending member who posted the comment will be put on a 30 day suspension from the Group.

WE DO NOT ALLOW THE SALE OF TABACCO PRODUCTS (OR PARAPHERNALIA) NOR DO WE ALLOW THE SALE OF FIREARMS IN THIS GROUP!! Due to the laws and the fact that you must be of legal age to purchase such things, we cannot allow them to be sold here. Also, please keep in mind that there are children that browse this page!!! Thank you all for your cooperation with this!! ANYONE WHO DOES NOT COMPLY WILL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM THE GROUP!

Photos 30 days or older with no activity for 30 days, will be deleted.

Home based businesses are not authorized to post here unless it has been discussed through me. Please email me for an exception to this rule. No Spamming the wall.

Please notify me, personally, of seller/buyer no shows. THREE no show violations with no contact, will result in violators being permanently banned from the group.

The preferred language for this group is English, if you are going to speak another language, in conversation regarding an item, please include the English translation. It is only fair to the 98% of the members of the group, that we understand what is going on with an item. It also helps admins in quickly monitoring conversations within the group. Continuous failure to comply will result in the offender being banned from the group.

If you have agreed to purchase an item from a seller, please give them ample notice if you change your mind, the seller may have made special arrangements regarding work/children to meet you. It is ok to change your mind, just please give proper notice and show regard for others. Ample notice must be given by the seller if they change their mind about selling the item or the price as well.

Please contact me via "private message" to report any misconduct, suggestions, complaints or issues you are having with the group.

Recalled Items are not allowed to be sold in this group. If you come across a recalled item that has been posted, please inbox me so I can immediately remove it. Sellers: If you post baby items for sale, please be sure you are checking the internet to make sure the item has not been recalled, BEFORE posting it for sale. Buyers: You are also responsible for checking the baby item you wish to buy to see if it has been recalled. Please be responsible buyers and sellers!

COPIED/BURNED Music and movies are not allowed to be sold on this site.

BE SAFE! One thing I do ask is that everyone practice safe selling and buying. So PLEASE always try to meet in a well lit public location, if you don't already know the person. If you do decide to have the person drop by your home or you drop by their home, be sure there is someone else with you.

If you are selling an item you will need to go in order (meaning 1st person to inquire about the item). UNLESS you put OBO(or best offer) then you are allowed to sell the item to the best offer. However, the seller does not need to promise to a buyer until they are satisfied with the offer. Failure to comply will result in banning! You will get ONE warning and that is only if it appears to be an honest mistake otherwise you will be banned immediately!

Sellers, if you are not willing to hold something past a designated period, you must add that to the description (i.e. will not hold past 1 week or need this gone ASAP will hold up to 3 days).

Please update the conversation below your item being sold, PPU (pending pick up, PDO (pending drop off) or still available. I know I hate to read through a 30 message conversation only to find out it's PPU. And if the item has sold, please delete it.

Please inspect your item before closing the deal. All items sold on this site are sold as is. It is at the discretion of the seller if they will accept returns or not. Please be sure you have also tested your item before completing the sale to ensure it is in the condition it is advertised.

**I am not responsible for any misfortune or unsafe business practices made by any one of the group members, but you are more than welcome to contact me in regards to any or all of these if they occur**

If you have a suggestion for a new album, please contact me directly and I will consider adding it.

Things might not be just the way we want/would like to see them, and some things are beyond my control. Please just try to keep in mind… it's JUST FACEBOOK. Thank you everyone for your participation, suggestions and patience!! Happy Selling/Buying!"
Just like Auto Trader holds no responsibility for a transaction gone bad, Ford Mustang Classifieds holds no responsibility for fraudulent, incomplete, or incorrect purchases or sales.

Navigating the classifieds

To change your notification settings- At the top right hand side of the groups wall, click "EDIT SETTINGS" change your "NOTIFY ME WHEN" preferences from there.

To delete your photos after the item sells- Click on "65 photos", click on the album your image is in. Click on your photo, then in the lower left click on "remove this photo".

Receiving Private Messages-

There has been some confusion regarding receiving private messages from buyers/sellers. If you do not see any messages in your regular Facebook "messages" inbox, try looking under your profile picture and clicking on "messages", then "other" will appear, click on "Other" and the messages should have appeared in that inbox.

Using your iphone to post/delete items:

Typically the iphone automatically has you view facebook in the "mobile version". Go to your internet and type in www.facebook.com Then in the upper right click on "More" and scroll down to "Desktop Site" to view the SSClassifieds like you would on a desktop computer. This option will let you enjoy more of what the FMCClassifieds has to offer as well as let you delete your photos or add photos to one of our predesigned photo albums. Please message me if you are having difficulty.

Using your Android or HTC to post/delete items : Go to the browser on your phone, type in facebook.com. At the upper left hand corner there are three horizontal lines..click on them..it takes you to everything..messages..the different groups..all the way at the bottom it says desktop site..its really small..click on it..go to FM classifieds..up at the top of the page go to photos..the categories come up..pick one and on the upper right hand side it says upload photos.

This was taken from Sulphur Springs Classifieds discription.

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