
When Presidential Directors Judy and Stu Deane heard that a beta version of Mannatech’s new back office, MyMannatech, was available for U.S. and Canadian Associates to begin using to build their business, they quickly jumped on the opportunity.

Stu immediately began the process to set up his personal website through MyMannatech and he made a note of simple instructions for doing so. Once his website was complete, he and Judy reached out to their team and downline to inform them that the new back office was ready. He also sent instructions to their team on how to set up a MyMannatech website. Stu’s leadership is a clear demonstration of dedication and teamwork that can generate real results.

“Setting up the personal website was a very easy and simple process,” said Stu. “I have shared my website with prospects and believe it has been very valuable in helping my business. Our team is adopting the simple instructions for set up, and everyone will have a personal website in no time.”

Stu shared these simple instructions for setting up a personal website so that other Mannatech Associates can take advantage of the great success he, Judy and his team have seen from this tool.

Steps To Starting Your MyMannatech Website:

Go to MyMannatech.com and login.

If you haven’t already created a password for your new MyMannatech account look below for instructions on how to “Retrieve Your MyMannatech Login Password.”

Click on “Business” in the top navigation bar, and then in the dropdown click “My Website.”

By default your PWP address is youraccountnumber.mymannatech.com

To create a new, more personal, web site address,

Look under Available Templates and click the Mannatech: Transform Your Life theme.

Additional themes will be added here in the future for campaigns such as TruHealth™ and Uth™.

Click the “Add Site” icon and enter a new name for your site.

Click “Add Site” button.

Your new site has now been created and shows in the list of Active Websites.

You can now preview your site by clicking the small down arrow to the right of your site name.

You may keep or delete the default site created that uses your account number in the address.

Click the small gray down arrow to the right of the site you wish to delete and select “Delete Website” from the drop down menu.

You can now share your new website with all your prospects.

To Retrieve Your MyMannatech Login Password:

On the MyMannatech sign-in page, click “Forgot your Password?”.

On the “Forgot your Password?” page, type your account number and email address – click “SEND ME RESET PASSWORD INSTRUCTIONS.”

Wait for an instruction email to arrive from Mannatech.

In the Mannatech email, click the link “Change my Password.”

On the “Welcome to Reset Password” page, type your desired password twice – then click “Reset.”

Note: If you use the same email address on multiple accounts, the system will have a difficult time identifying which account you want to work with and present an error. In cases like this please send an email to feedback@mannatech.com with a request to create an account for you.

You should now be on your personal homepage.

Stu adds, “I suggest you look through your personal site so you become familiar with it before you send anyone there. There are also a lot of other things you can do to complete your profile such as telling your story or adding a picture. We recommend you do that.”

MyMannatech personal websites enable Associates to create a web page where prospects and customers can go to learn more about products and Mannatech’s opportunity. More importantly, they can also place product orders and enroll through a Mannatech Associates’ personal MyMannatech website.

The post Business Building Tips: Creating Your MyMannatech Website – An Associate’s Success Story appeared first on All About Mannatech.

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