
A couple weeks ago I received this amazing package full of GORGEOUS crafting supplies from the David Tutera Casual Elegance collection.  Wow, y’all….WOW! First let me show you what I made!  The collection was created for weddings, but as I’m going to show you, there is SO MUCH MORE you can create with this gorgeous collection!! I decided to decorate a very drab surface in my living room.

I’ll show y’all what I used and how I used them in just a sec, but first, let me show y’all the AWESOME GORGEOUSNESS they sent me to work with.

WOW right??!!

This wreath I made is one of my favorites!

These are the items from the David Tutera Casual Elegance collection that I used to create the wreath.

I used the burlap ribbon and wrapped it around the a straw wreath form I had.

Then I wrapped the lace around.  While I was wrapping the lace, I thought about making a rosette from it and realized I didn’t need too! The collection comes with so much and it’s so easy to decorate with. David Tutera did all the work for us!

After I added those gorgeous burlap rosettes I added a few of these precious burlap flowers too.

After hot gluing the ribbon in place and gluing the flowers into place, here is what it looks like!!

 Gorgeous right!?  And all I had to do was use a few products from the collection.

Now, lets talk about these beauties!!  These were two of the jars provided. I’ll have to post a tutorial on how I colored them later.

I used the lace, burlap ribbon, hemp cord, lace, a few pearls I had and some electric tea lights.  I made a lace rosette from the lace.

It really is easy!! Step one, twist the lace, then put a dab of hot glue at the top and pinch the end closed. Then begin to roll a little, place a dab of hot glue and roll the wound lace around again. I place a dab of glue on each side as I go. I have found that this method keeps the rosette from unwinding later. So, roll a little then glue on the opposite side of and keep doing this on every other side until your done with your strip of lace.

For the other two jars I wrapped the burlap ribbon around the smaller jar and tied some lace around it. The larger jar I wrapped a piece of pink cloth I had and wrapped the other burlap ribbon around it and added a few of the burlap flowers. Very very easy and they look so gorgeous!

For this vase I used the bouquet wrap from the David Tutera Casual Elegance Collection.

I added just a tiny dab of hot glue in the corners on the back to hold it in place. That way when I wanted to use the bouquet wrap for something else or use the red vase as is I could easily remove the wrap without damaging the wrap or the vase.

All the gorgeous pieces were so easy to put together. I have so much left over I can’t wait to create more. This collection is so great! You have so much to work with and it’s so easy to use.

Isn’t it all just GORGEOUS!?! I just love it!

Here is what it looks like at night with the lighted birdhouse and the lighted colored mason jars.

I love it!! Everything looks so gorgeous in the evening.

 I absolutely love the David Tutera Casual Elegance Collection and you can find the collection exclusively at Jo-Ann Fabric stores.

Special thanks to Blueprint Social for this amazing campaign and all their amazing campaigns I’ve been blessed work with!

And another special thanks to David Tutera and his GORGEOUS collection! You can follow David Tutera here

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavidTuteraDarice

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TuteraForDarice

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/daricecrafts/david-tutera-casual-elegance/

You can follow Blueprint Social here

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BlueprintSocial

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TBSAgency

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/BlueprintSoc

Make sure you check out all the beautiful projects created  below!


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