
magic fairy tales

i can not for my life remember who introduced me to the art of laura makabresku, but i am eternally grateful. such a glorious talent! every single image evokes an emotion! loneliness, sadness, love, pain, shame! all created in such abundant beauty

i don't know why this comes to mind but it does:

"if i touch a burning candle, i can feel no pain. in the ice or in the sun, it's all the same. yet i feel my heart is aching. though it doesn't beat, its' breaking. and the pain here that i feel, try and tell me it's not real. i know that i am dead, yet it seem that i still have some tears to shed."

- tim burton's the corpse bride

some links of laura's to devour more







Former Inspiration Friday's:

Tina Sosna
Francesca Parità

Kamil Vojnar

Katarzyna Widmanska

Takeshi Suga

Jeff Bark

Ariko Inaoka

Venetia Scott

Amber Rose Ortolano Part II

Marion Lanciaux

Amber Rose Ortolano

Kane Hopkins

Savannah Martiniere

Brooke Shaden

The New Guard

Garden of Evening Mists

A Midsummer Night's Dream


Sibylle Bergemann

Natalia Vodianova

Nastya Kusakina by Jeff Bark

Sarah Seene

Paolo Roversi Part II

Denise Grunstein

Ellen Rogers

Wendy Bevan

Camille Bidault-Waddington

Magic Witchy Dreamy

Kristamas Klousch

Cathleen Naundorf

Sarah Moon

Paolo Roversi

Steven Meisel

Tim Walker


Mab Graves

Rudy Fig

Dilka Bear

Jenny Tallberg

Nom Kinnear King

Fifi Lapin
Ania Tomicka

Anne Siems

Benjamin Lacombe

Ana Bagayan

Marion Peck

Brandi Milne

Nicoletta Ceccoli

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