
RULES: Copy and paste this into a new text post, fill this out, and then tag 3 authors that you want to know more about!
I was tagged by @hazelandglasz so here goes.

Where do you publish your work?

On the AO3 pretty exclusively these days. I make posts on tumblr too, but the actual fic will be up on the AO3.

What medium/application/etc. do you write in or with?

OpenOffice Writer. I use google drive to share things with betas but I don’t write there.

Do you collaborate with others?

I usually write alone. Although I have co-written this little thing with @bluecloudsupabove a few years ago and that was fun. I may even co-write something again one day, it’s just difficult to organise with scheduling and everything. And I wouldn’t say I’m the type of person who writes with others - I do prefer writing alone usually. But it was a fun experience and idk maybe I’ll repeat it some day.

How much editing do you do before you publish?

I read everything through at *least* twice by myself. If it’s a tiny ficlet, I might leave it at that. But usually I’d say I do about three to five rounds of editing altogether. And if it’s a fic that needs a beta, those are *before* I send it off. When I get it back, I do two to three rounds of editing again, then, depending on the complexity of the story, I have it betaed again (by the same beta, or sometimes I have two betas). And then I do another one or two rounds of editing. So I edit a lot.

A lot of the time the editing takes significantly longer than the writing. I’ll write a story in a week and then spend a month editing it before I post. (Or for a ficlet I’ll write it in two days and edit for another week or so.)

Do you listen to music?

No. It distracts me. I need quiet when I write.

How do you decide what to write about?

I just have things in my head pretty much all the time. And they develop or merge together and they change and get weird and suddenly make sense and when they start really bugging me and start wanting to get out, I know what to write next. It’s little scenes I have in my head, a lot of the time. Or just a character. I decide what to write based on which one of them I can’t stop thinking about anymore.

When do you write?

All the time. I like mornings to write because then I have the story stuck in my head for the rest of the day and it can sort of sit there and ferment away. But whenever I’m not doing other things, I try to make that writing time.

How often do you write?

Every day as a rule. There are days when I don’t manage it for some reason, but I have a rule that I have to write every day, even if it’s just a couple of sentences.

Do you take requests? Why/why not?

Hmm. I don’t really ask for them and I don’t always manage to write them when I do get them, but I wouldn’t say that I don’t? This is kind of a difficult question. I love prompts, but when I have a lot of things piled up I tend to lose focus on what I’m currently writing.

Is there any genre or type of story you want to write but are hesitant to?

There is a story that I have already written and pretty much finished, but I’m hesitant to add the missing pieces and edit it and post it. It’s a bounty hunter Klaine AU and I have a weird love-hate relationship with it. It’s complicated. I will finish it, but I’m hesitant about it, yeah.

Any inspirational quotes, videos, tricks, articles, etc. that help you stay motivated?

Two specifically.

1) Write every day, even if it’s just a paragraph or a sentence.

I find this helps me stay connected with my stories and it helps me to stay in the habit of writing even when things get busy otherwise.

2) All a first draft has to do is exist.

It’s okay if it sucks. Just get the story down. Write until you’ve finished it. Once you have that, you can work on making it pretty, make it make sense, make it actually good. Just finish it first.

Go to page 7 of your WIP, skip to the 7th line, and share 7 sentences.

“Dude,” he says in a loud, unsubtle
whisper that can probably be heard in Cleveland. “Are you okay? You
look a little pale.”

Blaine nods, flickers a smile at his
friend. “I’m fine.”

Sam doesn’t look convinced. “Are you


I have to tag three people and I have no idea who’s already been tagged, so ignore this if you’ve been tagged or don’t feel like it: @bluecloudsupabove, @mailroomorder and @luckiedee :)

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