
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) President Rabbi Rick Jacobs speaks at the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) General Assembly on Sunday. Photo: Robert A. Cumins for JFNA.

JNS.org – The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, and Ruderman Family Foundation announced a new initiative to foster the inclusion of people with disabilities in synagogue life at the Reform movement’s biennial convention in San Diego.

The Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Initiative invites the nearly 900 synagogues affiliated with the Reform movement to participate in an “Active Learning Network,” in which they will explore topics such as eliminating misconceptions about physical and emotional disabilities, creating congregational inclusion committees, and forging partnerships with other congregations and organizations.

“This new partnership with the Ruderman Family Foundation will allow us to create a network of synagogues that will model best practices not only for our Movement, but for the broader Jewish community,” said URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs.

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