
The Body & Soul Drawing workshop began 24 years ago in 1991 at a conference held by medical researchers, psychologists and engineers on the subject of psychic phenomena and the subtle energy body. Alex designed a workshop to help visualize the bio-field effulgence around the body that the scientists were speaking about. His first book, Sacred Mirrors, had just been published and he began accepting invitations to speak and show his work. Researchers wanted to share the Sacred Mirrors with colleagues as it so resonated with their investigations into the luminous realms of the soul.

The Body and Soul Drawing Intensive is a creative technology to activate and elevate the light body. Gathered as a community of artists we contemplate a beautiful yogini and create seven drawings, each portraying one chakra energy center, ascending from base to crown. Imagining the glow of auratic radiances around the physical form and expressing it, is art as a spiritual practice. The artist works with their own subtle energy of consciousness and creative flow as they draw Divine inspiration into their minds and hands. To align with the proper altitudinal vibration, we initiate each drawing with a brief meditative vision practice. Then gazing at our model, with music that drives the resonance of each chakra, we cycle our attention between the model and the object we are creating.

The Body & Soul is a meditation ritual that we have shared with community in Moscow, Australia, Vienna, Munich, Mexico City, Costa Rica, Buenos Aires… throughout the U.S. and the world. This weekend we will share this bond with a small group in our studio at CoSM. This workshop is full.


Consider joining us at Omega Institute from June 29th through July 4th for the Visionary Art Intensive, where the Body & Soul drawing exercise has been part of our workshop since 1991. At this 24th Annual Omega class, we will treat ourselves to a week devoted to art and consciousness. Stick around and visit CoSM after the workshop — 45 minutes from Omega; open all weekend.

The land at CoSM is coming alive with spring green and flowers!  Come visit soon.


Alex & Allyson

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