


Mary Botterman, Principal

(847) 357-5400

Good morning,

I am hopeful you had a wonderful weekend with the children.  It certainly was beautiful outside and it was nice to enjoy the sunshine.  I am sure the children loved being outside in the crisp, fall air.

End of Trimester 1/Report Cards:

This Friday, November 13th, marks the end of trimester 1.  It is hard to believe how quickly the time has gone.  On Tuesday, November 24th, you will receive your child’s first trimester report card.  Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.  I know the children have shown much growth this year, and we are extremely proud of their efforts.

Parking Lot Use:

We continue to struggle with the use of the parking lot during arrival and dismissal times.  Please be advised, for safety reasons, we will not allow anyone to leave the lot when buses are present.  We do this for the safety of all children. We do ask that if you need to leave quickly, please do not pull your vehicle into the parking lot.  Cars are not to attempt moving from the lot between 8:20 and 8:35 in the morning and from 2:59 to 3:10 in the afternoon.  Thank you in advance for sharing this with the adults you have picking up or dropping off your child.

Also, please be advised that if you are using the drop off zone, you need to let your child out on the curb side prior to reaching the entrance to the parking lot.  Once you drop your child off, please proceed down Boxwood toward Cedarcrest.  We have noticed a backup in our zone and know the congestion will be alleviated if you move once your child has safely reached the sidewalk.

PBIS Info for Parents:

Please be sure to check out the Aldrin Website for the most up to date information on our school wide PBIS System.  This system of intervention has produced a culture in which students, staff and families feel continuously supported.  Please let us know if you have any questions about PBIS.  Simply click on the link to find out more about it. http://aldrin.sd54.org/pbis-positive-behavioral-intervention-supports/ .

News From the Nurse:

While head lice are not a health, hygiene or safety concern, we realize it may be a nuisance. We would like to encourage parents to periodically check their children’s hair and heads. Should you suspect or find that your child has head lice or you have any concerns, the school nurse is available to answer any questions regarding District 54’s lice management protocol and review recommended treatment options.

Bilingual Parent Advisory Council:

Please join us for the upcoming Bilingual Parent Advisory Council meeting on Tuesday, November 17 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the District 54 Professional Learning Center. Matthew Rodriguez, the President of Illinois PTA and a bilingual parent himself, and Susan Budak, the President of the Schaumburg Council of PTAs will speak about the mission of PTA and the importance of parent involvement in the schools. Please click here for more information. Childcare is available.

Únase a nosotros para una presentación especial con el presidente de la Asociación de Padres y Maestros Matthew Rodriguez y la Sra. Susan Budak, Presidente del Consejo de la PTA de la comunidad de Schaumburg para aprender más sobre la PTA, sus metas, organización y como involucrarse en su escuela local. ¡Todos los padres del Distrito 54 son Bienvenidos!

Please take a look at the attachments to find out addtional information about upcoming events. Have a fabulous start to your week!


Mary Botterman and Tracy Langlais

Upcoming Events:

11/11 – PTA Meeting @ 12:45 p.m.

11/12 – PTA Birthday Books @ lunch

11/13 – PTA Hot Dog Day – Cash and Carry

11/17 – 6th Grade Fine Arts Show @ 6:00 p.m.

11/18 – Fun Food @ Lunch – Pre-ordered

11/18 – 6th Grade Band Concert at Frost – 7:00 p.m.

11/19 – School Board Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.

11/20 – Aldrin Pizza Day – Cash and Carry

11/24 – Report Cards Go Home

11/25 – 11/29 – Thanksgiving Break

110915 announcer.pdf 2015-2016 Membership Drive.pdf Holiday Gift Shop volunteer.pdf Preorder YB 2015-2016.pdf PTA_Help_Form_20151105153907.pdf 

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