
Bekas bos SPR minta Najib henti 'tipu' rakyat

Bekas pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman menyeru agar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak agar berhenti “menipu” rakyat dan menjelaskan perkara yang sebenar berkaitan isu-isu berbangkit dalam negara ini.

"Berhenti menipu rakyat dan buat kerja kamu. Beritahu kepada pemimpin Melayu berlaku jujur dan buat apa yang boleh.

“Kita ada kuasa, polis pun kuasa kita, semua kita punya, kuasa itu banyak. Power (kuasa), power.

“Tak usah kerajaan nak bohongi rakyat, dedahkan (perkara sebenar berkaitan isu negara),” katanya ketika menyampaikan ucapan dalam persidangan agung PERKASA di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Masa kau bos SPR ulu apa kau buat Rashid?

Kenapa baru sekarang..kau lagak macam MGR nak jadi hero...

Beliau bagaimanapun tidak menyebut secara jelas mana-mana isu yang dirujuknya itu.

Rashid juga berkata, sejak tidak mempunyai sebarang jawatan lagi, beliau kini berani mengkritik kerajaan tanpa rasa takut.

“Saya berani maki kerana saya tidak ada kuasa, jadi saya berani.

“Saya maki semua orang. Kita bagi kuasa untuk lakukan sesuatu, dia tak buat apa-apa, tapi dia kata dia buat,” katanya.

Beliau turut menambah, kritikan yang diberikan bersifat berani kerana tidak ada apa yang perlu disembunyikan dan beliau juga “tidak mencuri wang rakyat”. - mk

Stop lying to the rakyat,ex-EC chief tells Najib

Old_Sage - He has actually claimed in public that he helped BN to win elections through gerrymandering when he was EC chairman. Either he was telling a lie when he claimed he did not received any gratification for his efforts or he is a really dumbo for sticking his neck for nothing in return. Heck if he is clean as he claims, he is not only dumb but also insulted his God for cheating the rakyat at elections for his misdeeds.

I think all these worms are coming out of the woodwork because an unseen hand is driving them to topple Najib as the 1MDB is threatening to become BN's worst nightmare and could be the straw that broke the camel's back. In turn this will turn Najib into the biggest liability for BN going into GE14 so he must be removed before that.

bobkids  - "He also suggested today that Perkasa ought to become a political party to rule the country, as it was the only way to ensure that the country would be led by the "right people". Can they be BETTER than PKR, let alone to Run this country with all the RACIST BIGOTS around them...!!!

Chow KF - Kesian, bekas bos SPR, bekas IGP, bekas tentera semua kecut , takda telor semasa memegang jawatan, selepas ditinggalkan oleh umno baru keluar menyalak... sudah terlambat kawan, pergi tidorlah!!!

Angry Citizen - he got promoted for the shenanigans he was involved in to make sure bn had unfair advantage at each GE and not for doing an honest day's job..shameless fellar, will they ever see the damage they have done and continue to do to this country

tel - Hmm... now the warlord want to be king! There you go, is a dog eat dog world! Perkasa is now doing the job what the 52% wanted to. Well done Perkasa

Saya bukan sebahagian plot anti-Najib...

Menafikan beliau sebahagian daripada plot dalaman Umno untuk melemahkan presiden parti dan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, ketua bahagian parti yang membuat laporan polis terhadap 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) berkata beliau bertindak bersendirian.

Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan, timbalan ketua Umno bahagian Batu Kawan berkata beliau tidak bertindak bagi pihak orang lain dalam membuat laporan terhadap dana yang dibebani hutang, di mana Najib adalah pengerusi.

Khairuddin menegaskan tiada siapa berada di belakangnya dalam apa yang beliau sifatkan sebagai "perjuangan peribadi untuk kebenaran".

"Saya nak nyatakan dengan jelas (sebelum ini). Saya bertindak sendirian berdasarkan prinsip saya sendiri ... saya berdiri sendiri dalam hal ini," katanya kepada The Malaysian Insider hari ini.

Khairuddin, dilaporkan penyokong kuat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang lantang dalam kritikan beliau terhadap Najib dan dana berkenaan, berkata beliau hanya bertindak demi kepentingan awam.

Membuat laporan polis terhadap 1MDB, tiada kaitan dengan Umno, presiden atau mana-mana menteri kewangan, kata ahli perniagaan itu yang bersama Umno selama lebih 25 tahun.

"Bantahan awam sudah berlaku terlalu lama. Terdapat banyak pertanyaan daripada orang ramai, pembangkang dan juga tiga bekas menteri kewangan. Laporan dalam (akhbar bisnes) The Edge juga membangkitkan isu itu.

"Tetapi 1MDB hanya membisu. Tidak menafikan apa-apa dan diam sahaja. Bayangkan RM41.9 bilion hutang yang dicatatkan oleh syarikat itu. Ia adalah terbitan awam. Jika ada yang tidak beres dengan lembaga, ia akan memberi kesan kepada kerajaan dan seterusnya kepada rakyat.

"Malangnya, kita tidak mempunyai pemimpin, yang akan berdiri dan mempersoalkan perkara itu. Kita mempunyai pemimpin, yang seperti tripod kepada pucuk pimpinan dan enggan mendengar apa yang orang perkatakan," katanya.

Khairuddin adalah sepupu kepada Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan penerbit buku kontroversi “50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Ibrahim Tidak Boleh Jadi PM” yang digunakan terhadap Anwar sebelum pemecatannya daripada kerajaan dan tuduhan liwat pada 1998.

(La ni PEMUDA UMNO pulak duk meroyan.. Now they say ini semua conpiracy since this fella kononnya DS Anwar Ibrahim punya nephew.. Tersedak aku menahan ketawa.. Dari info dalaman parti tu, mereka kononnya nak wat Press Conference pulak Isnin ni..Teringat aku masa PAU ari tu, dia hampir ditumbuk seoang perwakilan berstatus Ketua Pemuda Bahagian gara2 ucapan yg berbunyi "orang2 UMNO now should not tunduk, kipas buntut pemimpin atasan..." Sejak bila lak laki Umie Aida ni jd anak sedara Anwar?? Even Nurul Izzah Anwar nyaris2 gelak guling2 bila dapat tahu ada blogger dan caitper BANGANG (yg Najib sebut hari tu) kata mamat tu anak sedara Anwar.. Aku dah confirmkan, dengan jelas Izzah cakap " NOT THAT I KNOW OFF" dalam wassap malam semalam...Skandal 1MDB ni umpama cancer yg semakin mencapai peringkat ke4.. Yg aku tau dia ni dari pro anak Madey yg lantang duk bedal pro Najib.. So padan lah PEMUDA UMNO pro Najib meroyan x sudah..)

Dalam laporan polis pada hari Jumaat, Khairuddin meminta siasatan "terperinci dan menyeluruh", menggesa pihak berkuasa menyoal siasat pengarah dan wakil daripada mana-mana syarikat yang mungkin terlibat dalam skandal 1MDB.

Katanya, beliau membuat laporan terhadap syarikat dan lembaga pengarahnya selepas mengkaji pelbagai laporan dalam media cetak nasional dan antarabangsa serta media online yang "jelas terbukti" terdapat kelemahan dalam pengurusan dana pembayar cukai 1MDB.

1MDB – idea Najib – dana kekayaan negara kedua selepas Khazanah Nasional Bhd.  Syarikat itu baru-baru ini mendapat perhatian selepas beberapa pemimpin pembangkang mendedahkan hutang dana yang besar, tawaran tanah meragukan dan kerahsiaan ke atas urusannya.

Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, secara terbuka mengkritik Najib dan mempersoalkan dana, meminta Putrajaya menerangkan bagaimana 1MDB memberi manfaat kepada rakyat Malaysia kerana ia menanggung RM38 bilion hutang dalam tempoh hanya lima tahun beroperasi.

Selain Dr Mahathir, kritikan terhadap Najib dan dana juga datang daripada blogger pro-Umno, paling menonjol wartawan veteran Datuk A. Kadir Jasin, yang melaporkan Dr Mahathir sangat bimbang sehingga mengadakan mesyuarat dengan para pegawai atasan 1MDB serta menyoal sendiri mereka.

Khairuddin berkata beliau sedih Umno Pulau Pinang tidak dapat memahami mengapa beliau membuat laporan terhadap syarikat swasta itu.

Beliau berkata, ia mengecewakan apabila kepimpinan parti negeri mengarahkan bahagianya untuk membincangkan tentang beliau dan apa yang dilakukannya.

"Beribu-ribu orang, termasuk pemimpin pelajar, mengucapkan tahniah kepada saya kerana apa yang saya lakukan.

"Jika seorang ahli Umno boleh melakukan sesuatu seperti ini, mereka tidak fikir ia memberi cahaya positif kepada parti dan membawa belia kembali dan menyokong Umno?" katanya, sambil menambah tidak faham mengapa beliau diberi tekanan sebegitu rupa kerana melakukan sesuatu yang baik untuk orang ramai.

"Adakah salah bagi saya melakukannya sebagai pembayar cukai, atau warganegara yang bertanggungjawab? Tanya semua keldai itu. Adakah ia salah? Adakah ia sepatutnya peranan seorang ahli politik untuk melindungi kepentingan rakyat?

"Saya hanya meminta semak dan seimbang sebuah syarikat swasta. Adakah kita bukan sebuah negara demokratik? Mereka begitu emosi dan tidak rasional. Saya tidak tahu mengapa. Saya tidak faham," katanya.

Khairuddin juga berkata beliau bercakap dengan setiausaha parti negeri Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir dan Setiausaha Agung parti Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor semalam dan kedua-duanya menasihati beliau supaya menarik balik laporan polis yang dibuat.

"Tetapi pendirian saya jelas. Saya berjuang untuk rakyat. Hati nurani saya jelas. Kita perlu tadbir urus yang baik dalam syarikat-syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC).

"Saya rasa ia adalah bijak membiarkan polis menyiasat. Jika hasil siasatan menunjukkan semua adalah baik, maka saya akan menerima dengan hati terbuka," katanya.

Khairuddin berkata beliau juga bersedia menghadapi sebarang akibat daripada Umno, sambil menambah: " Saya menjawab kepada Allah SWT.  Yang lain tidak menjadi hal."

Beliau berkata sedang memikirkan untuk melepaskan jawatan parti supaya boleh bertindak atas kapasiti sendiri, dan tidak membebankan rakan-rakannya di bahagian ini, dan parti sama ada di peringkat negeri dan kebangsaan.

"Saya sudah berfikir mahu meletakkan jawatannya sebagai naib ketua bahagian. Saya tidak mahu Umno terlibat."

Semalam, Umno Pulau Pinang menegaskan tidak bertanggungjawab dengan tindakan Khairuddin, berkata beliau bertindak dengan sendiri. Hari ini, Astro Awani melaporkan Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno negeri Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican berkata Umno Pulau Pinang tidak akan tergesa-gesa mengambil tindakan ke atas Khairuddin.

"Kami tidak akan tergesa-gesa kerana Umno adalah sebuah parti demokratik. Kami akan menilai sama ada terdapat apa-apa pelanggaran disiplin.

"Jika terdapat suatu pelanggaran tatatertib, bukan sahaja dia (Khairuddin) tetapi tindakan akan diambil terhadap semua orang," kata ahli Parlimen Kepala Batas itu dipetik sebagai berkata awal hari ini.

Sejam selepas Khairuddin membuat laporan itu, 1MDB mengeluarkan kenyataan pada malam Jumaat dengan mengatakan laporan itu tidak mempunyai asas undang-undang. Ia juga mengalu-alukan sebarang penyiasatan mengenai hal ehwal dan peluang untuk menangkis tuduhan berniat jahat. – tmi

No plot, I acted alone, says Umno man on 1MDB police report...

Denying that he was part of an internal plot in Umno to weaken the party president and prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Penang Umno leader who lodged a police report against 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) said he was acting alone.

Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan, who is Batu Kawan Umno division deputy chief, said he was not acting on anyone's behalf in making the report against the debt-ridden sovereign fund, of which Najib is chairman.

Khairuddin insisted that there was was nobody "standing behind him" in what he described as his "personal struggle for the truth".

"I have spelt out very clearly (before). I acted alone based on my own principles... I stand alone in this," he told The Malaysian Insider today.

Khairuddin, reportedly a strong supporter of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who has been vocal in his criticism of Najib and the fund, said he was only acting for the sake of public interest.

Lodging the police report against 1MDB had nothing to do with Umno, its president or the finance minister, said the businessman who has been with Umno for more than 25 years.

"The public outcry has gone on for too long. There have been many queries from the public, the opposition and even three former finance ministers. Reports in business newspaper The Edge had also pointed out these issues.

"But 1MDB just kept mum. It denied nothing and just kept quiet. Just imagine the RM41.9 billion debt recorded by the company. It is a public issue. If anything goes wrong with the board, it will affect the government and in turn, affect the people.

"Unfortunately, we don't have leaders who would stand up and question the matter. We have leaders who like to tripod the top leadership and refuse to hear what the people are saying," he said.

Khairuddin is a cousin of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and was the publisher of the controversial book "50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Ibrahim Tidak Boleh Jadi PM"(50 Reasons Why Anwar Ibrahim Cannot be PM) that was used against Anwar before his sacking from government and sodomy charge in 1998.

In his police report on Friday, Khairuddin had called for a “detailed and comprehensive” investigation, urging authorities to interrogate 1MDB’s directors as well as representatives of any company that might be implicated in its scandals.

He said he lodged the report against the company and its board of directors after studying various reports in national and international print media and online media that “clearly proved” there were weaknesses in 1MDB’s management of taxpayers’ funds.

1MDB – Najib's brainchild – is Malaysia's second sovereign wealth fund after Khazanah Nasional Bhd. The company had recently come under much scrutiny after several opposition leaders highlighted the fund's massive debts, dubious land deals and secrecy over its transactions.

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has publicly criticised Najib and questioned the fund, asking Putrajaya to explain how 1MDB benefited Malaysians, as it incurred a RM38 billion debt within just five years of its operations.

Besides Dr Mahathir, criticism against Najib and the fund is also coming from pro-Umno bloggers, most prominently veteran newsman Datuk A. Kadir Jasin, who reported that Dr Mahathir was concerned enough to call for a meeting with top 1MDB officials to grill them himself.

Khairuddin said he was saddened that Penang Umno and party secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor could not understand why he had lodged the report against the private company.

He said it also upset him that the state party leadership had instructed his division to discuss him and what he had done.

"Thousands of people, including student leaders, have congratulated me for what I have done.

"If an Umno man could do something like this, don't they think it would shed some positive light on the party and get youths to come back and support Umno?" he said, adding that he could not understand why he was being "pressured like hell" for doing something good for the public.

"Was it wrong for me do it as a taxpayer, or a responsible citizen? Ask them, 'was it wrong?' Is it also not the role of a politician to protect the interest of the people?

"I am just asking for check and balance in a private company. Are we not a democratic country? They are so emotional and irrational. I don't know why. I don't understand," he said.

Khairuddin also said he had spoken with his state party secretary Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir and Tengku Adnan yesterday and both had advised him to retract his police report.

"But my stand is clear. I fight for the people. My conscience is clear. We need good governance in government-linked companies (GLCs).

"I think it is wise to let the police investigate. If the outcome of the probe shows everything is fine, then I will accept that with an open heart," he said.

Khairuddin said he was well-prepared to face any consequences from Umno, adding: "I answer to God Almighty. The rest are just peanuts."

He said he was currently thinking of relinquishing his party post so that he could act on his own capacity, and not burden his peers in the division, and the party at both state and national levels.

"I am thinking about stepping down as division deputy chief. I don't want Umno to be implicated."

Yesterday, Penang Umno distanced itself from Khairuddin's actions, saying that he acted on his own. Today, Astro Awani reported that state deputy Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican said Penang Umno would not rush to take action on Khairuddin.

"We will not rush this as Umno is a democratic party. We will assess if there was any breach of discipline.

"If there was a breach of discipline, not only him (Khairuddin) but action will be taken against everyone,” the Kepala Batas MP was quoted as saying earlier today.

Hours after Khairuddin lodged the report, 1MDB responded on Friday night with a statement that the report had no legal basis. It also welcomed any investigation into its affairs and the opportunity to rebut malicious allegations. – tmi

Go after MCA for 'Allah' repeal, CM tells Zahid...

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has blasted the home minister for telling the state government not to interfere with Penang's Islamic affairs, saying the latter should train his guns at MCA instead.

"I regret that Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has either been misinformed or is deliberately trying to distort the issue for political gain to raise hatred and threaten me for interfering in Islamic affairs when I have not done so.

"Instead Ahmad Zahid (right in photo, with Lim) should be training his guns on MCA for demanding that the Penang state government repeal the Administration of the Religion of Islam(State of Penang) Enactment 2004 to allow the use of 'Allah' by Christians," said Lim in a statement today.

The CM said neither his administration nor DAP has ever asked for the enactment banning the use of a number of words made in 2004 to be repealed, pointing to BN partner MCA for having made that call.

"(Isn't) this inflammatory demand by MCA calling for the repeal of the Islamic enactment is clearly a definite and serious interference in the administration of Islamic affairs?

"Why then is there no action or attacks by Umno on MCA?" he asked.

"Clearly Umno and MCA are playing a double-faced political game of attacking me for being anti-Islam whilst both Gerakan and MCA have even attacked me for being anti non-Muslim for doubling the annual budget’s allocation for Islamic affairs, as compared to the previous BN government," said Lim, who is also DAP secretary-general and Bagan MP.

On Thursday, MCA central committee member Ti Lian Ker (left) played the devil's advocate challenging Pakatan's Penang and Selangor governments to amend their respective state enactments that prohibit the usage of the word ‘Allah’ and other words deemed exclusive to Islam.

Last month, MCA's former vice president and former deputy minister Gan Ping Sieu speaking on behalf of his NGO Cenbet, went further to call on all such enactments to be reviewed nationwide.

Ironically, the enactments were passed during BN's rule in the 80s and 90s in most states nationwide with the exception of Sabah, Sarawak and Federal Territories.

For example, Selangor's enactment that had led to the bible raid at the Bible Society of Malaysia in January and that had become a thorny issue for Pakatan's state government, was passed in 1988.

Police report lodged

Yesterday it was reported that a police report had been lodged against Lim for allegedly for saying the state's ban on the word 'Allah' does not apply to non-Muslims.

Lim said his remark was merely "stating the legal position that the Penang state religious bodies have authority over Muslims, but not non-Muslims", which he said is consistent with the federal constitution and the enactment's wording.

"This position that a fatwa does not apply to non-Muslims is not only human and morally right but also sanctioned by the federal constitution and even embodied by the Administration of the Religion of Islam (State of Penang) Enactment 2004.

"Section 49(1) of the enactment states that a fatwa shall be binding on every Muslim in the state…, without mentioning non-Muslims, clearly restricting its application on Muslims," said Lim.

He quipped that Putrajaya was free to extend the laws to include non-Muslims if it so wished.

"Of course Ahmad Zahid or other Umno leaders can choose to extend federal government powers of Islamic laws on non-Muslims if they desire to do so, but their disputed legality can then be challenged and decided in courts.

"Ahmad Zahid should not try to twist the issue to one of the Penang chief minister’s interference of Islamic affairs, when it is about stating that the there is no legal authority to apply fatwas on non-Muslims in Penang," he said.

Lim added that despite general disagreement among non-Muslims and moderate Muslims over the federal government's decision to ban Malay-speaking Christians from using the word 'Allah', the state he said the state government respects the Federal Court’s decision on Catholic publication The Herald's prohibition.

"Even though the Penang state government may not agree with the court’s decision, as a government that is run on the basis of respect for the rule of law, the Penang state government will abide by the court’s decision," said Lim.

He charged that the issue over Penang's banned words was BN's ploy to distract attention from the police report that was lodged against Prime Minister Najib Razak's pet project 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) this week, no less by an Umno Penang leader. - mk

Datuk Ibrahim Ali today lashed out at Umno leaders who have consistently criticised Perkasa, labelling them bangsat (bastards) who have failed to recognise the group's sacrifice to the Malay rights cause.

In his tirade against the ruling party at Perkasa’s annual general assembly here, Ibrahim singled out a few Umno leaders who have been critical of the group, namely federal minister Khairy Jamaluddin, former deputy minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, Sabah Speaker Datuk Salleh Keruak, and federal Public Accounts Committee Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

"If you don't dare defend Islam and Malays leave Perkasa and Isma (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia) alone," the Perkasa president said during his opening speech at the assembly.

"Bangsat (bastards). Four or five Umno leaders attack Perkasa only makes more Umno members join us.

"I declare myself hero to Islam and Malays in Malaysia," said Ibrahim...betoikah atau cakap kot lubang juboq...

Ini Storynya...

Alahai Din,hudoh betoi...


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