
Hi everyone! Welcome to another week of The Caffeinated Crafters Link Party! Fall is starting to fade away around here and winter is peeking through. I fully admit that I’m fighting the urge to decorate for Christmas already!

We’re trying something new around here. Each week, we’ll let you know which one of us chose the features and you’ll hear from that person in their own words. Hopefully we’ll get to know each other a bit better this way!

This week’s features were chosen by April of illistyle.com

Hi friends! First off the Caffeinated Crafters just want to say: WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOU! We are all about creating a supportive community of bloggers, makers, crafters, diyers, cooks, and friends. We love giving you a place to share your amazing creations each week! Thank you all for linking up.

We had so much fun seeing your posts last week. Along with good food and fun crafts we had some beautiful holiday decor.

I am loving this beautiful fall table decor from Kelly of Eclectic Momsense. This is actually part of a larger Fall Baby Shower she threw. It is so cute! Check it out here.

How fun is this spoon pumpkin craft that doubles as table decor from Pauline of Club Chica Circle? How fun would it be to let the kiddos make these Thanksgiving morning while you are prepping that huge dinner. This should keep them entertained for a little bit, right?

This Country Chic table decor over at Bellenza is so great. Tips are included for creating your own table.

And I know it’s early, but these little Wooden Christmas Trees from Heather of Woods of Bell Trees are just so magical. She also has ideas for transitional decor from Thanksgiving to Christmas, and it is so cute!


This one is a freebie because I absolutely love it. This Maleficent Movie-inspired crown is awesome. I want to pattern my Christmas decor after it. Gild.all.the.things.


If you’re featured to grab the button!

Link Party Rules

We’d love for you to link up your creative projects (crafts, tutorials, DIY, recipes) whatever you make… we want to see it!

Please follow our group board on Pinterest for the Best Crafts, DIY, and Recipes!

Also, share the love by visiting 2-3 other links and commenting, pinning, or sharing on social media. We totally encourage supporting your fellow bloggers.

By linking up, you are giving the Caffeinated Crafters permission to use your photos and links on our blogs and across social media. Of course, we’ll always give you proper credit!

By linking up, you also give us permission to email you a friendly reminder each week to link up! You can remove yourself from this mailing list at any time.

Please do not link up to shops, giveaways, or other link parties.

Have fun! The link up closes on Friday at midnight!

Thank you for joining along with the Caffeinated Crafters Link Party!

An InLinkz Link-up

The post Caffeinated Crafters Link Party appeared first on Albion Gould.

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