
You’re probably visiting dozens different websites every day (or at least every week) but when it comes to creating your own business website you might feel a little overwhelmed by all the information you have. You can find never-ending lists of business website essentials and WordPress website creation tips. Is it really that difficult to build a website yourself? No worries, we’ve come to help you in a very constructive way. Not only to tell you what does your website need, but also how to easily create it in WordPress with more than 30 sortable elements from our AIT-Themes.club.

In general, the most important thing for your website is a professional look – at least if you want your customers to take you seriously. Your website also needs to be in line with your branding. What is the basic message you want to send to your clients? Next question is, what do you want your site visitors to do when they arrive to your website? Increasing your website conversions will be your concern number one once it’s all finished and ready to go.

Lets focus on navigation and content here as website security and responsiveness are highest priorities for our team of experienced developers, who are keeping all themes up to date, responsive and secure so you don’t need to worry.

1. Valid website sections

Ask yourself a question: To whom is it addressed? You might have several different types of audience e.g. suppliers, customers and job seekers or business and personal clients. Create a section for each of them. Your website needs to be easy to navigate on so keep the site map compendious and readable for your site visitors as well as search engines.

Creating website’s menu in WordPress

2. Contact info and location (with map and directions)

When it comes to contact information, it depends on the type of business if you need your site visitors to know your exact location or you’re happy with the online contact form and e-mail address. The map to be included with your address is something that most people expect to see on your website. Providing them with directions to find your office or store easier is just a bonus that your clients will appreciate.When you place an online fill-out form on your website, please include “being human” security field to prevent bot from spamming or attacking you. It’s also nice to have auto-reply on. If someone contacts you it’s just polite to let them know that you’ve got their message and you will be in touch with them.

Creating Contact Form in WordPress

Working with Google Map in WordPress

3. About us – unique chance to arouse interest, use catchy story if possible

About us is an old-school page that you must have on your website. People will click on this page only if they want to learn more about you. It’s like they’re saying “I’m interested. Tell me more.” Take advantage and introduce yourself in the best way. Tell them briefly who you are and most importantly why are you doing what you’re doing. Nice catchy story is very effective to gain someone’s sympathies. You can even split it into sections and describe each division separately. Clients want to know you so they can trust you before they give you their email address or even their money.

4. What’s on offer?

Products, services and prices. This is the place where you shouldn’t be saving your words. You should tell your customers as much as possible about what they can get from you. Of course, you might need to place “More info” button on each product so the page can still look neat. Honest, complete information to go with each of your offered articles will convince your potential customers that you’re an expert in what you do and you’re not trying to sell pig in a poke to anyone. People want to know everything about product before they buy it. It also might help your SEO as you will be providing useful information many people are looking for.

Describe your products well with Product Element in WordPress

5. Social Media buttons

Like and Share. Make it easy for your fans to share their interests with friends. Social media is the present and certainly also the future of internet. Search engines analyze closely if you’re interacting on social media and if people like, share and talk about you. It might increase the value of your website. Social Media buttons are easy to add on, you can choose between several display settings. Don’t forget to remind your visitors to share on social media. It sounds like a cliché but you won’t get far without it.

Share page setup for social media

Social media buttons on your WordPress website

6. Testimonials

Do you read reviews before buying something or going somewhere? Yes, you can get quite a nice picture about things from reviews. Therefore you should always ask your customers for feedback and don’t be shy to share it with others. It’s even better when someone has rewarded you with their attention and written an article about you or mentioned you as “the best of” producer. There’s a Testimonial Custom Post Type that will allow you to display reviews the way you want on your website. You can choose which ones you want to show, categorize them and of course, add the rating bar on to them.

7. Videos are the future

The future is starting right now. Videos are easy to create and the most effective way of advertising or promoting yourself. If you don’t want an autoplay video on your website as you might be worried about your page loading time, please, at least refer your audience to your youtube channel. People are more likely to watch and share video than read text. Find an interactive and creative way of presenting your services. Video should be a part of a product description page. Add a pinch of fun and you’re on the best way to success.

8. Blog

All online marketing specialists know how important the blog is. It increases the volume of useful information on your website, brings you better SEO results and shows your customers the level of expertise you have. WordPress was originally created as a CMS for bloggers – to help them post their insights fast and in a comfortable way. Reserve a part of your website as a blogging space. Work with this part of WP admin environment is super easy so every blogger will be able to create perfect looking posts himself and with the right plugin (e.g. YOAST SEO Plugin)  they will satisfy all search engines requirements too.

Adding a blog post in WordPress

9. CTA – e.g. newsletter signup form

Call to Action point is something you want your site visitors to do or where they should click. Most commonly it is a sign up form for newsletter, online registration and account creation or placing an order. Many websites are lagging behind in creating a good landing page and CTA. They’re missing out potential new customers every day. That’s the reason why we’ve included this as a separate point in our short 10 most important business website essentials list.

10. Disclaimer

No matter if your website is personal or business, you should always have disclaimer there. Disclaimer could even be a legal requirement on your website. It sounds boring and therefore easily forgotten but it is there to protect your customer’s and your own rights. This is one of very few static pages on your website. Usually the link to your disclaimer is included in the footer so it’s easy to find for anyone looking for it.

The other business website essentials you need

Your website needs much more than just 10 things and it’s mainly up to your creativity and the purpose of your website what else you will add to make it look great and be useful for your visitors. If you get stuck in any point while creating your website, you can read through the list of 50 features for small business website or get some inspiration in WordPress themes preview pages and demos. You can also check more tips for good looking website from our AIT Magazine.

The post Business Website Essentials: 10 Most Important Must-Haves appeared first on AitThemes.com.

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