
Hello AO,

I'm new to the forums here (have been lurking about the forums here for about a month), and kinda new to airsoft. Im 30 years old, and located in pike county, southern ohio. I play at Fallen Warrior in Chillicothe occasionally. I used to play paintball, but got out of that sport quite a few years ago. When I found out there were some airsoft fields that were kinda local to me and it really got me interested in this sport. I mostly have been messing around with real steel guns for years but since I found how serious airsofting can be, I find myself dumping more of my RS gun funds into airsoft gear.

I have a quick question to go along with my intro as well. Besides Fallen Warrior's pro shop, does anyone know of any brick and mortar airsoft shops that is located close to the Pike county/Ross county regions? I would like to spend my cash in a local shop, and not online, if possible. It's just a preference I have (kinda like to support the local shops when I can).

I also wanted to say thanks to Fox for getting my account straightened out, very much appreciated.

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