
Over time, the repetitive motions of day-to-day activities can wear down muscles and joints causing annoying aches and pains that inhibit your movement. Whether you’re sitting at a desk all day or moving around heavy equipment, your muscles can become tired, stiff, and sore. Back, neck, and shoulder pain and stiffness are among the most common workplace injuries.

While there is no quick, catch-all fix to these issues, stretching can greatly reduce the risk of soft tissue injuries, joint pain, and limited range of motion. Though stretching is often associated with wrapping up a workout, it’s also beneficial to incorporate stretching into your daily work routine. Stretching throughout the day can reduce muscle fatigue and realign your posture.

Stretching Reduces Fatigue

Stretching increases blood flow to your muscle groups. This increase in blood flow also increases the temperature of your muscles to improve their elasticity. Increased elasticity and blood flow can help you feel limber, awake, and ready to work.

Stretching also releases joint synovial fluid. This fluid acts as a lubricant between the cartilage in your joints. This reduction in joint friction increases your range of motion while decreasing the amount of energy it takes to do so. This allows you to save your energy for other tasks.

Stretching Improves Posture

Sitting or standing for long periods of time can wear on your spine. Gravity starts to pull you down and poor postural habits may start to creep in. Taking a minute or two to stretch throughout the day can realign and rebalance your posture.

Good posture reduces strain on the spine and neck, lowering the likelihood of shoulder, back, and neck pains and strains. You can read more about the importance of proper posture here.

Targeting Aches and Pains

While stretching throughout the workday is good preventative care, sometimes aches and pains require a more targeted approach. At Airrosti, our providers assess and pinpoint the root of your pain. They develop a custom treatment plan to treat it directly at the source. This targeted treatment combined with at-home active care leads to fast, efficient injury resolution to get you pain free, fast.

If stiffness or aching muscles have been inhibiting your work, consider finding an Airrosti provider near you to start your road to a pain-free life.

The post Benefits of Stretching at Work appeared first on Airrosti Rehab Centers.

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