An old friend ringed me last night. As we were catching up on things and the passed 10 years or so, he asked “Are you still active in BBC debates?” I told him, wait a minute! I then realised that I had almost forgotten an important phase in my undergraduate life when I was radically active in discussing and debating international affairs in various forum. BBC ‘Have Your Say’ program was one of the forums that I actively engage as well as contributing into their radio programmes. That was 2003 and 2014.
I, somehow sadly, told my friend that I stopped. He asked ‘why?’ and I said the PhD research and the whole experience made me feel dumb and uncomfortable to discuss most things, leave alone pushing my name forward to any BBC debate…but I told him that I now blog- which is more comfortable because it’s purely personal expressions and reflections, which can be wrong or right.
“Well”, he then said, “you should blog about what you used to debate”…I didn’t know how to go about it, but I woke up with an idea of checking up (in the internet) on some of my contributions to the BBC Have Your Say…and this is what I found over my lunch break…and am sharing to you now…
Reading through all contributions that I made, I can’t thank God enough for how far he has brought me…some of the contributions were really not good!!! But some were excellent and would still say the same today The comments that are highlighted in blue are my favourites…. Enjoy
Topic: Is justice worth pursuing in Africa? 5th November 2003
I think justice is worthy persuing at any price. However, in the case of UNICTR,in Tanzania, I think there are too much workers.Rwanda is already a peaceful state,she even hold a peaceful general election two months ago.ICTR,must have fewer staffs,to reduce the running costs.Only jugdes and few office workers, should remain, to keep on the hearing. Aikande Kwayu,Tanzania
Topic: Can Iraq be made secure? 15th November 2003
Iraq would only be secure if US explains more clearly to Iraq people what they are trying to do now. To do this, US should first apologize to the civilians, who faced the war tragedy during the fighting and after the fighting. Civilians are very bitter, because they did nothing wrong. So US must humble, and apologize to the Iraqis, explaining them the current situation and mission. The former Iraq regime loyals will not be able to blast those bombs and attacks if they don’t have civilians cooperation. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania
Topic: Will the new Middle East peace plan work? 10th December 2003
I think, this was a very democratic decision. At least, this time US has shown impartiality on the issue. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania
Topic: Rwanda: What lessons learnt? 26th March 2004
It looks as if there is no lasting lesson learnt from Rwanda. We still hear of conflicts and hidden genocides in most countries both in Africa and other places of the world, for example, Burundi, DR Congo and Sudan. People seem to forget very quickly. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania/ Japan
Topic: Human rights and security: The right balance? 22nd March 2004
Terrorism attacks are the physical displays of inner bitterness created by this unfair world system. I think human rights have become more vulnerable since the events of September 11th, that is why terrorism attacks are increasing daily. If human rights are well observed and respect for everyone is kept, terrorism will decline for sure. Hence security is obtained. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania
Topic: Are Iraqis better off now than before the war? 29th March 2004
I am not justifying war or any attacks done in Iraq, but it is important for people to understand that in any change for better, there must be a pain. So whether the situation is better now or not, it will finally be better, I hope. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania
Topic: Has your view of the war changed? 2nd April, 2004
One year has passed, but the war is not over. I am still against the war. Every effort must be made to help Iraqis get their sovereignty. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania
Topic: EU enlargement: Your views 1st May 2004
It is a good thing that EU is expanding, because it will one day be able to fully balance and check the U.S power. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania
Topic: Darfur conflict: Is it genocide? 5th July 2004
Yes, the killings in Darfur is genocide, the UN Security Council should take it that way. Hence action must be taken, because President Bashir has very sweet words, but he’ll never do anything. According to the internationally accepted definition of genocide, what is going on in Darfur is genocide. The UN should not wait for another Rwanda. Please UN, make sure you will not regret another Rwanda-type humiliation. Aikande Kwayu, Tanzania
Topic: Pulse of Africa survey: Your views 20th October 2004
I am an African, and very proud to be so, and of my continent. How do we define poverty? I think we are very rich, as long as we are happy. The main problems, I think, are wars and HIV/AIDS. Otherwise, Africa is the best. Aikande Kwayu, Moshi, Tanzania
Topic: What should Blair’s priorities be now? 16th May 2005
For me, an African, I think Blair should serve his full third term. Blair has Africa in his priorities, and so it’s good for us if he is there. Aikande Kwayu, Moshi, Tanzania
Topic: What next for Gaza and West Bank? 30th August 2005
This is a big step to the Middle East peace road map. The process is very painful, because often every constructive decision or change is painful. Both Israelites and Palestine should cooperate to attain the long awaited peace in the region. Aikande Kwayu, Moshi
Topic: How well is your town run? 20th September 2006
I am not a Kenyan, but I study in Nairobi. Since the conference is going to be held in Nairobi, the City Council has been working hard to give good impressions to the participants. I think for the conference to be effective, the real scene must be seen. What the City Council is doing now, such as forcefully removing hawkers, is not fair and it is fake. The City Council should leave the city as it is so as the conference’s participants to know where to start. Chasing hawkers is not a sustainable solution, since they will come back and allowed to operate as usual, after the conference is over. To keep towns clean, development measures must be key considerations. Cities and towns are dirty due to widespread poverty. Aikande Kwayu, Nairobi, Kenya