
Happy, happy, happy weekend!
Some real, down in the bones JOY to celebrate today! Links & stories this week 100% guaranteed to make you smile a mile wide & believe like crazy in a Good God redeeming everything — and that there’s love everywhere & for ((you))!

Serving up only the Good Stuff for you right here:




so? care to share your mood?

so we gathered ’round this one: a hydro-electric generator powered by a stream

This week’s Sticky Note for Your Soul:

FREE daily printables to encourage you

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Quiet Relief Near-Daily

Quiet Relief in one Weekend Bundle

from 25,000 feet — with no parachute

turning the every day into art

giving away and blessing others: beautiful

So what’s the secret recipe recipe for a love that goes the distance?

once in a lifetime?!

she’s been working — and giving it all away

happy birthday, gran!

how this jeweler reached into his pocket and gave above and beyond

selfless sacrifice

reuniting after 10 long years

How My Special-Needs Sister Teaches Me To Trust God’s Heart

some good good words rights here

…maybe what we’re all craving — needing– right about now — a bit of abundance & hope —

comes something like this:
my new book & a new dare we all need right now

Right now is the time we need to not be afraid of broken things —

because He is redeeming everything.



Join me in #365GIFT, starting with videos in your inbox next week — and become a GIFT to the world, every day for a year, a brokenhearted hallelujah, living broken and given, one intentional act of brokenhearted compassion at a time. Join us and let’s begin together next week?

Quiet Relief Near-Daily

Quiet Relief in one Weekend Bundle

Dare to be a GIFTer, to live broken & given. Take The Broken Way.

just the way you are

from Syria to Rio – you must come meet her

you’ve got to meet her: Laura Benedict…come see what she’s doing

please listen: Every Giant Will Fall

[ Print’s FREE here: ]

…sometimes we need other people to be our eyes and ears, to hear our own heart in ways we can’t. And our anxiety and fears can make us blind to the abundance being made out of our brokenness.

You can do this thing this weekend —

because you were made to do hard & holy things.

You are always enough —

because You have Jesus & He is always enough.

You have enough of Him & strength to not give up. You have enough of Him & love to keep on giving.
Believe it – God takes what looks like not enough
and He will make it into abundance.

[excerpted from our little Facebook community … come join us each day?]

‪Dare to fully live!

That’s all for this weekend, friends.

Go slow. Be God-struck. Grant grace. Live Truth.

Give Thanks. Love well. Re – joy, re- joy, ‘re- joys’ again

Share Whatever Is Good.

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