
The Foundation Of Ahlus Sunnah Is To Warn Against Innovators And Not Give Them Any Praise

Shaykh Al-Fawzaan said, “It is not permissible to elevate the innovator or to praise him even if he has some truth with him; because praising and commending him will spread and promote his innovation. And it will place the innovator in the ranks of the men from this Ummah who are followed.

The Salaf used to warn against trusting the innovator and praising him and sitting with him. They used to say:“Whoever sits with an innovator has assisted in the destruction of the Sunnah.”

Therefore it is obligatory to warn against the innovator…” Ref: http://mtws.posthaven.com

The General Rule With Ahlus Sunnah Is The Muslim Who Praises An Innovator Publicly Is Considered An Innovator And A Caller To Innovation

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Hadee said, “Whoever praises the people of innovation, without doubt, he is from the innovators; rather, he is without doubt from their callers. The people asked our Shaykh—may Allah’s Mercy be upon him—Shaykh ‘Abd al-’Aziz ibn Baz, during the lesson of the explanation of the book Fadl al-Islam is the person who praises the people of innovation considered from them. He said, yes, there is no doubt that he is from them; rather, he is from their callers. This is available in his voice and in writing, all praise is for Allah, and there is no doubt concerning this.” Ref: http://masjidfurqan.co.uk/2014/02/18/praising-innovators-shaykh-muhammad-bin-haadi

However in some specific circumstances a person from Ahlus Sunnah can give specific praise* a innovator and especially a scholar or student of knowledge. This specific praise wouldn’t mean the person is considered an innovator (i.e. put alongside the innovator he praised) or a caller to innovation.

A Innovator Can Be Praised In A Certain Specific Circumstance;

1) Praised For His Excellence/Praiseworthy Contributions In A Particular Islamic Branch Of Knowledge

Shaykh Abdul Kareem Khudayr said, “…However, if they praise them by saying they excel in Arabic grammar, for example, but are from the Asharees, they can be praised in this respect but the innovation they have is noted, this is not impermissible inshallah…” Ref: http://www.khudheir.com/emlaat?page=27 via http://www.salafibayaan.com

2) If A The Scholar Or Student Of Knowledge Is Giving An Overall Appraisal (i.e. A Complete Evaluation Of The Individual)/A Historical Biography Of The Person

Shaykh Albaani said, “…I say: Criticism either occurs in the biography of an individual which is a “historical” biography in which case it is necessary to mention what is both good and bad with respect to the individual…” Ref: The cassette ‘Man Haamil Raayah al-Jarh wat-Ta’deel Fil-Asr al-Haadir’ via spubs.com

Shaykh Uthaymeen said, “Our (Ahlus Sunnahs) saying regarding this (issue of praising a innovator) is that when a person speaks about an individual in order to make an (overall) appraisal of him, so that he can evaluate him as they say, then it is necessary to mention both the good and the bad points…” Ref: The Cassette, “As’ilah as-Suwaidiyyah” via spubs.com

3) In Response To A Question About In What Matters Do They Agree With Ahlus Sunnah

Shaykh Bin Baz said, “…When someone asks (a scholar or student of knowledge from Ahlus Sunnah), ‘What do they (the innovators) have with them of the truth? In what matters do they agree with Ahlus Sunnah and the one who is asked knows this, then he makes it clear…” Ref: “Manhaj Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah Fee Naqd ir-Rijaal wal-Kutub wat-Tawaa’if” of Shaykh Rabee’ bin Haadee via spubs.com

4) If It Is A Necessity To Praise Them (This Situation Of Necessity Has To Be Left Up To The Scholar Or Student Of Knowledge To Judge Based Upon The Benefits & Harms Of Praising This Individual In That Particular Circumstance)

Shaykh Bin Baz said, “…If the need should arise to explain what they (innovators) have of the truth, then it is explained…” Ref: “Manhaj Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah Fee Naqd ir-Rijaal wal-Kutub wat-Tawaa’if” of Shaykh Rabee’ bin Haadee via spubs.com

5)  When A Innovator Has A Public Refutation Upon Another Innovator Or Misguided Sect/Organisation And This Refutation Is In Line With Ahlus Sunnahs Refutations (Or if they have a piece of work which is inline with Ahlus Sunnah on that topic)

Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jabiree said, “…Secondly, sometimes there may be praise from a Sunni (i.e. a scholar or a student of knowledge from Ahlus Sunnah) towards an innovator with specific praise, for example, because an Asharee refuted a Raadifhee and clarified the offense of the Raafidhah…” Ref: http://athaar.org/articles/?p=201

6) Praising Him (i.e. Defending Him) To Kuffar Who Say Negative Things About Him

Shaykh Albani said, “…If what is intended by praising him (an innovator) is to defend him in the face of the disbelievers then this is obligatory…” Ref: Al-Hudaa wan-Noor, 666 via http://shaikhalbaani.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/is-it-allowed-to-praise-the-people-of-innovation/

Praising An Innovator In A Specofic Senes (previously mentioned in the article above) In Certain Circumstances Should Not Be Done While Refuting Them (mixing a refutation of an innovator with a praise for them is known as muwazanah (which is an innovation in the religion))

Shaykh Al-Fawzaan said, “Do not mention their (any innovators) good points (when refuting and warning against them). Mention only the error that they have fallen into. It has not been entrusted to you to give them tazkiyah (commendation/praise). That which is entrusted upon you is to explain the error that they are upon so that they may repent from it, and so that others may take caution against it (i.e. be warned against that innovators errors)…” Ref: Kitaab ul- Ajwibah al-Mufeedah Fee As’ilatil-Manaahij al-Jadeedah p.13-14


* (My words – Abdul Kareem Ibn Ozzie – A innovator is given general criticism, which means general he is criticised for his innovation (or innovations) when his name is mentioned. This criticism is criticism which stops him from being entered into Ahlus Sunnah and it stops him from being praised when his names is mentioned. (Asking Allah to have mercy upon him if he is dead is not praise for him).

However he is given specific praise on odd occasions, which mean in certain circumstances he is praised for a specific restricted reason (the reason are given in the main article). These specific praise don’t make him from Ahlus Sunnah or prevent Ahlus Sunnah from warning against his misguidance.

Posted by Abdul Kareem Ibn Ozzie

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