
Check out this list chock-full of great gift ideas for 5 year old girls. Whether it’s a birthday or Christmas or no reason at all, these are certain to be a hit!

Hailey’s birthday is 2 weeks away. It seems like we just threw her a princess-themed 4th birthday party, but here we are, planning her 5th. We’ve opted for what I lovingly call a “party-in-a-box” this year and having her party at a local gymnastics spot. She is really excited and I’m thrilled that my only job is to pick up her Ariel cake and show up 15 minutes early. I tend to be hot and cold with how pinteresty I feel about making parties and clearly you know which way this one is headed. Easy street baby!

We are subscribing to the you chose: party or present mentality. Since she is going with party, we won’t be getting her any big gift. However, the grandparents have asked and friends are inquiring, so I thought it would be fun to share what would be at the top of Hailey’s birthday list (if I were to have her make one). Maybe some these gifts would work for boys as well, but since I have no clue beyond my girly girl girl, I’m sticking with what I know- these gifts would make my 5 year old girl go giggly!

VTech Kidizoom DUO Camera – Pink – Online Exclusive

Hailey is really into taking pictures. She begs to use my phone and carries around my old camera pretending to snap pictures. This VTech Kidizoom DUO Camera is durable, takes high quality pictures and has great reviews. It has front and rear lenses, can record video, and has a built in auto-flash. Can I say it again? She would love this! Another neat option for kids that are into action or water sports is this VTech Kidizoom Action Cam which is basically a GoPro for kids. Oh, they also have a smartwatch for kids too. Man, kids have cool toys these day!

Mermaid Tail Blanket

Come on you guys, how cute is this Mermaid Tail Blanket? As you might have guessed from her cake choice, Hailey really loved mermaids. She also really loves being “cozy” (she gets it from her mama) and prefers to be snuggled up with a blanket for book reading or movie watching. I have a feeling she would sleep in this every single night.

Personalized Pens and Notebooks

Hailey is all about writing at the moment. She goes through paper and notebooks like it is nobody’s business. Having personalized pens to use in her draw and write journal would undoubtedly make writing that much cooler.

The Code-A-Pillar

Ok, ok, the Code-A-Pillar may be more of something David and I want for her, rather than anything she might ask for on her own, but have y’all seen it? It is cool. It is an interactive toy that introduces preschoolers to the concept of coding. I think that is cool and I know Hailey would enjoy switching out the order of the segments to “tell” the creature how to navigate.


Hailey really enjoys Legos. We’ve stuck to the Duplo (larger) Legos for the most part. She loved putting this one and this one together all by herself. Though this Cinderella Castle Set would be a great option for us to do together, whether during our homeschool mornings or in our afternoon time together while Kaitlyn naps. I appreciate a challenge and with the carrot of building CINDERELLA’S CASTLE in front of her, I’m sure she would be motivated too.

Board Games

Hailey adores playing games but if I have to play Candy Land one more time, I’m going to jump off a bridge. I just can’t. Because of that I’m been looking for new games to play, but many of them seem slightly below her level, while others are too advanced. Like any parent, I give brownie points to anything with an educational edge (Little Einsteins! Games with spelling!), so after a lot of research I’m intrigued by What’s Gnu and Zingo Sight Words (<- for learning to read words that don’t “sound out” as easily).

Great gift ideas for 5 Year Old Girls via @ahealthyslice #5yearsold #giftideas #birthdaygirl
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Make-Your-Own Kits

I’m convinced crafts start to actually be fun around age 4/5. Rather than having to be completely hands-on as a parent, I am able to join in and assist instead of run the show. We do a lot of coloring, but Hailey loves a good craft or project. Make your own necklace kits, like the above Melissa and Doug wooden bead kit, and other make/design your own water bottle/purse/jewelry box/anything are always a huge hit. Plus, spoken from a parent’s perspective, it’s really great to get a project toy that you work on rather than having a toy that gets piled up in their back of the closet after a play or two.

I hope this list is helpful if you have a 5ish-year-old girl in your life (daughter, niece, friend, granddaughter) that deserves a special gift for any occasion. It’s crazy to even mention the word Christmas shopping, but it will sneak up on us for sure!

What is your child’s favorite gift they ever received?

What was your favorite gift you received as a child?

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