Colors have been used to affect mood and improve health since ancient times.
Here is a look at common problems and ailments and the corresponding color to use to help heal the issue.
Condition/Use – Appropriate Color
* Abstinence/Sobriety – purple, black.
* Children/Fertility – green (esp. spring green).
* Confidence – royal blue.
* Courage – bright red.
* Friendship – royal blue, gold, golden brown, tan.
* Healing/Health – medium green, rose.
* Home (new) – orange, sunlight yellow.
* Home (blessing) – rose, gold.
* Home (purify) – white, light blue.
* Hope – sky blue.
* Inner Peace – light blue, lavender, white.
* Joy – rainbow.
* Love – rose.
* Money/Prosperity/ Wealth – gold, emerald green.
* Protection (physical) – blue.
* Protection (psychic) – silver.
* Spiritual Growth – violet, purple, lavender.
* Success – gold, royal blue.
Basic Color Meanings
Black – binding, reversing thought forms into positive power, general defense, pessimism, feeling bound, reversing, uncrossing, binding negative forces, discord, protection, releasing, grounding, focusing, calming, shapeshifting, steadying on a physical plain, opens energy channels from feet, cold, solidity, sleep, rest, coolness, Center Earth, bottoms of feet.
Grey – same as black, but not as extreme, opens energy channels down legs to earth, slightly less solidity than black and more movement, Middle Earth, lower leg.
Brown – calming emotions and body, opens energy channels down, lightly grounds and focuses, peacefulness, nurturing, safety, warmth, calm, placidity, attract money and financial success, influence earth elementals, concentration, balance, ESP, intuition, study, success, special favors, influencing friendships, amplifies earth magic and psychic powers, common sense, Surface Earth, upper leg.
Red – breaking through mental conditioning, creating rapid change, empowering action, energizing, passion, career goals, lust, survival, driving force, creating heat, work with heart/blood/ circulation, warmth, fire, high action, energy, physical love, health, strength, sexual potency, courage, willpower, conquering fear or laziness, 1st Chakra, Root Center, base of spine, heart, blood, circulation, energy down to upper leg, A7.
Pink – energizes, warms, anti-depressant, peaceful, relieves stress and disharmony, gentleness, true love, caring, nurturing. planetary good will, friendship, healing, affection, romance, spiritual awakening, healing of the spirit, togetherness, center of chest, heart, any part that needs gentle change, Heart Center, energy down to base of spine.
Orange – lightly energize, up creative energy and sexual energy, warmth, sexual energy, activity, fire, change of luck, power, control of the situation, general success, property deals, legal matters, justice, selling, encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, sudden changes, drawing good things, sudden changes in luck, pelvic area, 2nd Chakra, spleen, Sexual Center, stimulates 2nd Chakra, A6.
Yellow – ups male energy and willpower, manifests creative energy on a physical plane, lifts depression, works on lungs/breathe/ life-force, warmth, air, memory, logical imagination, accelerates learning, breaks mental blocks, activity, sunlight, creative energy, 3rd Chakra, power of mind, sudden changes, intellect, imagination, power of the mind, confidence, gentle persuasion, action, attraction, concentration, inspiration, navel area to top of head, strengthens 3rd Chakra, A5.
Green – relaxing, cools fevers, relaxes muscles, calms emotions, physical healing, strengthens heart and ability to love, earth, generosity, prosperity, nurturing, cooling, calming, marriage, relationships, practical creativity (particularly with the hands), balance, fertility, growth, Mother Earth, tree and plant magick, personal goals. abundance, money, good fortune, wealth, success, renewal, heart, areas that need cooling, chest, 4th Chakra, Chest Center, A4.
Blue (light-med) – astral travel, relaxing stress (esp. in jaw neck and shoulders), ups compassion/verbaliz ation skills, removes headaches and fever, sky, joy, lightness, vibrant, repose, astral, truth, water, good fortune, inspiration, occult power, protection, understanding, good health, happiness, peace, harmony in the home, fidelity, patience, wisdom, healing, journeys or moves, neck throat, base of skull, ears, jaw, 5th Chakra, Throat Center, A3.
Indigo (med blue-indigo) – calm body/mind, ups intuition/wisdom/ mental abilities/memory/ eyesight/ sensitivity to psychic energy, focusing and maintaining concentration, becoming meditative, regality, deep space, endless repose, calm, strength, spiritual, discovering past lives, Karmic problems, balancing out Karma, stopping undesirable habits or experiences, meditation, neutralize another’s magick, stop gossip/lies/ undesirable competition, head, eyes, ears, 6th Chakra, 3rd Eye Center, A2.
Purple, Violet – ups spirituality/ enlightenment/ feminine energy, physical/emotional/ mental healing, lifts depression, releases stress, dropping unwanted desires, developing calmness in body/mind/emotions, regality, calmness, gentleness, expansive, harmonizing, spiritual, success, idealism, higher psychic ability, wisdom, progress, protection, honors, spirit contact, break bad luck, drive away evil, divination, permanent life changes, psychic protection, psychic and spiritual growth, third eye, hidden knowledge, spiritual power, influencing people in high places, success in long range plans, top/slightly above head, 7th Chakra, Crown Center, A1.
White – can be programmed, have all color so all uses available to them, can energize, harmonize, heal, and expand capabilities, clarity, brilliance, light, ice, etheric, endless potential, ever-changing, purity, spirituality, greater attainments in life, truth, power of a higher nature, wholeness, sincerity, spiritual undertakings/ guidance, direction to the right paths, calmness, becoming centered, seeing past all illusions, the Goddess, higher self, purity, peace, virginity, energies higher than crown, Higher Energy Centers.
Gold – (or very clear light yellow) great fortune, intuition, understanding, divination, fast luck, financial benefits, attracts higher influences, male energies, see also yellow.
Silver – (or very clear light gray) removes negative powers, victory, stability, meditation, female powers, the Goddess, astral energy, telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition, dreams, developing female powers.
Copper – professional growth, business fertility, career maneuvers, passion, and money goals.
Magenta – a very high vibrational frequency that tends to work fast, the God, male power, promotes winning, happiness, usually used with other colors, quick changes, spiritual healing, and exorcism.
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